Oct 22, 2008 12:32
It all started with a "scariest costume" idea : dress as Palin.
Then a friend was bemoaning being 'complimented' with "You look like Palin!" I told her we should go stumping for Obama on Halloween as a Pack 'o Palins.
And then it hit me...
What if women across America dressed as the scariest woman in America. At parties or door to door we could explain WHY she's the scariest woman in America. Best part is that nervous folks like me can carry the talking points on cards -- it's all part of the costume! Go as a pack and multiply the impact! Go as a team -- one Tina Fey Palin and one Palin Palin and debate each other.
"And three people do it, three, can you imagine, three people ..."
What say ye? If you like the idea, comment with costume details and talking point suggestions, and feel free to forward with or without attribution.