Latest HIMYM spoilers do have me in a little bit of doldrums, hence my slight dauntedness to rewatch the older episodes - and I was really happy to do that before this Carter Bays interview that ruined it all. Back when everything seemed peachy and I wanted the finale's wedding to be Barney and Robin's wholeheartedly, it was sheer pleasure to watch the wedding parts of 6x01 and imagine how awesome that event would turn out to be, if it really was B/R. Now, I don't know anymore. The worst part is, I don't know what I should expect, and whatever comes, I won't know what to take it to mean either.
So, I'm one week from my finals, and I'm obviously working taking up other shows! I guess I really must have gone out of my mind, 'cause the choice for today (and apparently yesterday, too) is Gossip Girl. Not at all my type of show, especially as the characters who piss me off the most are the main ones . And the dialogues are annoying as hell, too. And the sceneries (I mean all their stuffed-with-expensive-stuff suites, not NYC, of course). That is probably why I'm skipping the more boring parts to get to another ones. (Gee, ramble alert, when did I start to excuse myself again? Anyway, point is...) These last ones being - Blair and Dan! I'm really hopeless at shipping, it turns out, because there obviously is no way she's gonna end up with him and not Chuck (who sucks big time on all kinds of levels, but that I've already implied) instead. Therefore... another burned-to-be couple. Oh boo-hoo me. :P
I guess I really need to get down to the real important stuff, because it seems like I'm going braindead. Let the theme for today be this, then. ->
here Can I get an amen.