Jul 28, 2008 12:07
- Ubuntu Hardy Heron (LTS) is a step back for Linux-kind. It's broken. It sucks. It's given me hours of frustration and lost productivity, to the extent that I went to the Apple Store yesterday with real interest
- Debian packaging has to be the most brain-dead of the three package management systems I've worked with -- deb, rpm and Yahoo! internal stuff. The Yahoo! internal stuff is amazing.
- The apt toolchain is a bane for GNUmanity.
- If you are into digital photography, an Apple Cinema display is a must have for you. You won't miss it until you use it, though. 23" display available from the Apple Store for INR 55k odd. No, your MacBook/MBP laptop screens aren't anywhere close to being scaled down Cinema displays. The panel technology is totally different.
- How do I choose whether to buy XBox 360 or Playstation 3? The answer is simple -- I buy the one that can feed High Definition content to my HDTV. XBox can, via the component video cable that comes with it. Playstation 3 can't because it's illegal to make cables that can take HDMI output from PS 3 (or any other HDMI device out) and convert them to Component Video. Why? Some jackass copy-protection issues, that's why. Ergo, I now have an XBox 360 and for the first time in its life, my HDTV gets to display Real HD content at 720p (equivalent of 1280x720 px resolution on a 29" 4:3 screen cropped down to 16:9 format). BTW, for all their power consumption and their bulk, CRTs still kick LCD screens' collective arses in picture quality.
- Pylons + mod_wsgi + Apache 2 is no slouch of a setup
hardy heron,