Title: Mosaic
Pairing(s): SuzakuxKaguya, SuzakuxKallen, SuzakuxEuphemia, SuzakuxNunnally, others hinted. Strong Suzaku + Lelouch friendship.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Sometimes it takes a while to find all of the pieces of happiness.
Notes: Inspired by
bunny at
Mosaic )
Title: Five Things Lelouch Learned From His Mother - And One Thing He Didn't
Pairing(s): N/A
Rating: PG
Summary: What it says in the title.
Five Things Lelouch Learned From His Mother )
Title: Emperor's Reward
Pairing(s): LelouchxSuzakuxKallenxGino
Rating: NC-17 - NOT WORKSAFE
Summary: AU. Emperor Lelouch is working too hard. Three members of the Rounds decide to change that.
Notes: Written for the first Code Geass kink meme, originally posted
Emperor's Reward )
Title: Roommates at Pendragon
Pairing(s): Girl!Lelouch/Suzaku
Rating: NC-17 - NOT WORK SAFE
Summary: 'Lelouch' and Suzaku go to an all boys school. Except...Lelouch is a girl.
Note: Written for the original Code Geass kink meme
Roommates at Pendragon )