drabbles (1-3/9) - lelouch/suzaku/nunnally

Apr 09, 2010 21:10

The votes are in, and apparently we have a tie between Lelouch/Suzaku/Nunnally and Lelouch/Suzaku/Euphy. So I'll be featuring the former over the these next three weeks, and the latter over the succeeding three weeks. Then we can have a poll again. (I'm convinced this was the best way of dealing with the tie besides actually asking for a tiebreaker, but that was kind of not an option when the poll closed barely an hour before the first of these drabbles was due.)

Anyway, thanks to all those who voted, and here are this week's drabbles!


For Someday (Monday, 05 April)
Trio: Lelouch / Suzaku / Nunnally
Warnings: [none]
Word Count: 333
Setting / Prompt: photograph: "I'll want to remember this!"

Ties That Bind (Wednesday, 07 April)
Trio: Lelouch / Suzaku / Nunnally
Warnings: [none]
Word Count: 333
Setting / Prompt: pomegranate: He watches them as they talk over braised beef and baked potatoes.

Hand-holding (Friday, 09 April)
Trio: Lelouch / Suzaku / Nunnally
Warnings: [none]
Word Count: 333
Setting / Prompt: trust: 'I'm here,' the gesture always conveys. 'I'm not going anywhere.'

(all three drabbles here)

fanfic:others, fanfic:drabbles

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