Sorry for late guys, here are the (incomplete) scans of Sempre, an anthology dedicated to Kanon.
The book is worksafe and the stories are all pretty cute ;3;
I decided to share only those that really look interesting, avoiding the crack stuff (hopefully
miasmacloud will translate these for me us XD) ^^
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Chp 1: Sole Luna
Pg. 7
Kannon: You've got your fair share of weirdos, but the fabulous members of the royal family are like, totally a sight for sore eyes.
Schneizel: Kannon, you're quite fond of fabulous things, aren't you?
Kannon: Prince Clovis and Princess Euphemia are especially fabulous! I like, totally adore them!
Kannon: I wonder if they'll be coming by again.
Schneizel: I see. Then would you rather try serving one of them?
Kannon: Huh?
Schneizel: It would be regrettable to lose such an excellent subordinate. But if that is what you so desire, then I will act accordingly.
Pg. 8
Kannon: It makes me sad to hear you say that.
Kannon: My Prince is such a meanie!
Kannon: A subordinates job isn't to fawn over their master.
Kannon: It's to serve them.
Pg. 9
Kannon: And I have already chosen the only person who I will serve.
Kannon: I wonder if you understand what I mean by this?
Schneizel: Of course.
Schneizel: If that is what my most excellent aide tells me, then I will believe him.
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