Code Geass R2 PVC Figures ( MegaHouse´s GEM & Alpha-Omega)

Jan 19, 2010 09:01

Hello All you Code Geass Fans!!

Am a College Guy in South America, just for you to know that Code geass Popularity is Worlwide.

Well, Now I am on Vacation. So I am really Mad about Code geass PVC Figures. I Got the chance to buy a Few Ones.

The Main Problem is that MegaHouse or Alter is not like Bandai, Bandai can Produce Massive Figures and keep producing more Copies and are Easier to get ther Products, Meanwhile MegaHouse and Alter Produce in Limited Press.

But...  When The Companies notices that Fans want More Product.. they usually Produce More Copies and Plus produce More Characters. (They did with Gundam, with One Piece and Others)
So To all that Guys and Girls who Couldn´t get Kallen, Villeta Nu,  Shirley or Zero Figure... we can do a Miracle!

here you can ask for more  news and the Reissues of  Code Geass Figures...
(But first ask for the Reissues)

Alter (they are in Charge of Alpha-Omega):
MegaHouse (GEM and also part of Alpha-Omega):


Well, here a Copy of what I wrote to them:


Hello Alter, and Alpha - Omega Proyect People!

I hope that you could read this Letter

I am from Foreign Country in America, So is kind of Difficult to buy some of PVC Figures on the Online Stores because the stock ends very Quickly.
For Example:

By this Days is Hard to Find some of your Products (PVC Figures)
So I would Like to know if there is any chance that Alpha-Omega Proyect re-release the next Code Geass Figures:

-コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュR2 ヴィレッタ・ヌゥ 水泳部カフェVer.
-コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュR2 シャーリー・フェネット 完成品フィギュア
-コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュR2 紅月カレン 完成品フィギュア

I wonder that in a Near Future could be that Possible, like you do with Ikkitousen.

I am Really sure that Hobby Collectors would be happy beacause the Figures that You produced are Amazing, Perfectly Sculpted and Painted.

By the way,  need to say Thank you for make such a beautiful Products, and wait for the next Wonder Festval and See your next Staff and of Course AlphaxOmega Stuff

Then I have to tell you guys that Most of the Fans are Waiting for more Evangelion Figure Line Produced by "Alter"

Best of the World to you

country or continent

Hello MegaHouse People!

I hope that you could read this Letter

I am from Foreign Country in America, So is kind of Difficult to buy some of PVC Figures on the Online Stores because the stock ends very Quickly.
For Example:

By this Days is Hard to Find some of your Products (PVC Figures)
So I would Like to know if there is any chance that Alpha-Omega Proyect re-release the next Code Geass Figures:

-コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュR2 ヴィレッタ・ヌゥ 水泳部カフェVer.
-コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュR2 シャーリー・フェネット 完成品フィギュア
-コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュR2 紅月カレン 完成品フィギュア

And From MegaHouse´s GEM Proyect:
-G.E.M.シリーズ コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュR2

I wonder that in a Near Future could be that Possible, like "Megahouse" do with some of their figures (like One Piece)
I am Really sure that Hobby Collectors would be happy beacause the Figures that You produced are Amazing, Perfectly Sculpted and Painted.

By the way,  need to say Thank you for make such a beautiful Products, and wait for the next Wonder Festval and See your next Staff and of Course AlphaxOmega Stuff

Best of the World to you

Country or Continent

Ok, call me Crazy or whatever but  really want those Code geass Figures, It´s not my Fault to not be born in Asia. and i had to spend my money in College, girls, books, etc. so if Japanese Otakus make noise when they want Somethng (they made megahouse reissue GEM Gintama and all the Excellent Model One Piece POP Series) we as international customers, part of the big group of buyers... can do the same.


God Bless You Guys!

Spread the Voice!!!

random, merchandise:figures

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