Journals currently in use:
autocrossbowplz - FFVI
Currently at:
mayfield_rpg Edgar Roni Figaro, King. He's a mechanic, too, but mainly he's a ladies man, and proud of it. Great guy to have on your team, even if he will hit on anyone with boobs and a vagina.
blueeyesncharm - White Collar
Currently at:
mayfield_rpg Neal Caffrey, White Collar Crook Turned FBI Agent. He's smooth, and classy, with a taste for the classics. He's also quite intelligent, and damn good at what he does. Sure he's a con artist, but he's a good guy at heart.
notagamepiece - Erfworld
Currently at:
ink_city Parson Gotti, a.k.a. Lord Hamster, Chief Warlord of Goblin Knob. Summoned from the real world to act as the perfect warlord for Stanley the Plaid. Unfortunately, he wasn't exactly what was expected, but he did pull off a rather stunning victory for Gobwin Knob in the battle to save it (spoiler: he destroyed it).
0directionsense - Looney Tunes
Currently at:
ink_city Bugs Bunny, Classic Cartoon Character. Ehhhh... what's up, doc?
Journals not currently in use:
wantsnotshoulds - Anansi Boys
Spider Nancy, Son of Anansi. He's smooth, he's fly, he's classy, and he's a helluva jokester. What he wants? He gets it. Doesn't stay in one place long enough to get bored, and doesn't leave while there's still fun to be had. Things just always seem to go his way...
greatwakkorotti - Animaniacs
Wakko, Warner Brother. He's pretty nutty, but he's the quietest of the trio. Well, he says the least, anyways. He makes up for it in bodily sounds. He's the physical humor guy of the Warners, which usually also makes him the most lowbrow, so to speak. He's got a thing for the ladies, like his bro.
not_a_kazoo - Banjo-Kazooie
Kazooie, Sarcastic Breegull. She's Banjo's partner and best friend, though why he puts up with her is hard to say. Extremely snarky and sarcastic, and kind of a bitch sometimes. Don't expect her to be nice to you, unless Banjo forces it out of her.
thisisbadisntit - Bob and George
Megaman, Idiotic yet Heroic Blue Robot. Built by Dr. Light, he was accidentally made to be, well, very very stupid. He manages to get by through sheer dumb luck a lot of the time, though.
ihatetimetravel - Bob and George
George, Title Character, King of Ice Cream, and Lightning-themed Superhero. Generally a pretty good guy. Seriously hates time travel. Has hella badass lightning powers. Don't get between him and his ice cream.
not_billy_idol - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Spike, Vampire. He's always ready for a good brawl, but don't think he's just some blockheaded vamp. He's scarily observant, and definitely a tough opponent. Don't take this guy lightly.
Unless, y'know, you're out in broad daylight.
r66y - Chrono Trigger
Robo, Robot From The Future. He's very polite, and very kind, and doesn't quite grasp people. He's from the year 2300 A.D., 301 years after Lavos destroyed the world. Luckily, with a little help from Chrono and friends, he time travels back to help save his future - even though it's uncertain whether or not he'll exist afterwards.
nottaxes - Discworld
Death, Anthropomorphic Representation. Despite working with them for... well, ever, Death still doesn't understand humans. Try as he might, he never quite seems to get the hang of it, but he is highly curious. Rather on the bony side.
sayfuzzypickles - Earthbound
???, Photographic Genius (if he does say so himself). Memories made in an instant! Ready? 3... 2... 1... Say, fuzzy pickles!
likes_clockwork - Elephants Dream
Proog, Curator of the Machine. The machine is wonderful. The machine is amazing. The machine is awe-inspiring.
Can't you see how beautiful it is?
machine_king - FFVI
Duplicate journal for Edgar, when I had him in three games at once.
shot_a_man_in - FFVII
Reno, Turk. Rude's partner. He's pretty laid back, though, which makes him a nice counterpart to Rude. Still, he gets the job done, and done right.
twowingedangel - Good Omens
Azirapahle, Angel. No really, he is. He's been stationed on Earth for its entire existence, and as such his closest friend is also his biggest enemy; Crowley, his counterpart to Hell. Together, they stopped Armageddon. Fun, no?
yourdeceitreeks - Homestuck
Terezi Pyrope, Seer of Mind. She's a blind troll from Alternia that has a bit of a thing for justice and dragons. She can see and smell colors. SH3 TYP3S L1K3 TH1S, US1NG TH3 NUM3R4LS OF TH3 BL1ND PROPH3TS.
sorry_huge_ego - House
Gregory House, Doctor. Hates the world, which some blame on his bum leg, but really, he's just an egotistical ass. The problem is, he's also right most of the time. Damn good at reading people, and even better at diagnosing. He's got a Rubix Complex - he has to solve the puzzle at any cost.
bighairbigshoes - Kingdom Hearts
Sora, Keywielder. He's ever the optimist, and fights for the light. He fights for his friends, Kairi, Riku, Donald, and Goofy.
less_than_3less - Kingdom Hearts
Ansem, Seeker of Darkness. Leader of the Heartless, he went mad searching for the secrets of the heart, and was consumed by darkness. Now he searches for the elusive Kingdom Hearts - the heart of all worlds.
bastions_angel - Kingdom Hearts
Sephiroth, One-Winged Angel of Hollow Bastion. Yes, Hollow Bastion, not Midgar or the like. This is the Kingdom Hearts iteration of him, and as such, he's never heard of ShinRa, Midgar, SOLDIER, Mako, or anything of the sort. He's still just as powerful, intelligent, and cruel, though.
fights4theheart - Kingdom Hearts
Tron, Security Program of Radiant Garden OS. Like Sephiroth above, this is the Kingdom Hearts version of the character, making him a little less cold, and a little more silly, thanks largely to Sora and company's influence. Otherwise, though, he's still the same program. Has no knowledge of Flynn, Alan, or any of the other Tron characters (other than Sark and the MCP).
that_damn_fairy - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Navi, PestFairy. "Hey! Hey, listen! Hey, hey, hey!"
norsexnorsewest - The Lost Vikings
Erik the Swift, Olaf the Stout, and Baleog the Fierce, also known as The Lost Vikings. A trio of viking hunting buddies that were kidnapped by aliens, and ended up on a journey through time and space that culminated in them defeating the aliens and coming back with future technology - in the form of electric guitars. |D And that's just the first game.
chandra_ablaze - Magic: the Gathering
Chandra Nalaar, Planeswalker. Chandra is a red planeswalker, and specializes in fire spells, the bigger the better. Her style is to planeswalk around to different planes to hunt down the biggest fire spells she can find, and she doesn't care if she upsets the local authorities to get them. In fact, that's more of an added bonus.
setfire2hisname - Megaman (The Protomen, Act II: The Father of Death)
Dr. Albert Wily, Magnificent Bastard. Unlike the Wily everyone is familiar with, this one is actually competent, and actually succeeds in taking over the city/world by means of framing Dr. Light for murder. Still a brilliant roboticist, though.
bitemymetalball - Metroid
Samus Aran, Bounty Hunter. She's quiet, and something of a loner. Probably doesn't like you - it's nothing personal, she's just not fond of people. Her biggest enemies are the Space Pirates and their leader, Ridley - the Zebesian Space Dragon that murdered her parents at a young age.
nogalacticsaver - Metroid
Adam Malkovich, Galactic Federation Officer. Stern and straightforward, Adam is Samus' C.O. from her days in the GF Army. Samus sees him as a father figure, and in a lot of ways, he returns the sentiment.
motherbrainv2_0 - Metroid
[NB: Also on DW with same user name.]
Melissa Bergman, Telepathic Xenocidal Android. Created as a replica of Mother Brain in human guise, complete with telepathy and an army of Space Pirates and cold-proof metroids under her command. How did someone not realize that this might be a bad idea?
2ndworstjournal - Monkey Island
Guybrush Threepwood, Mighty Pirate. Known for discovering the Secret of Monkey Island, defeating the demon zombie ghost pirate LeChuck, and generally being a lovable goofball. Extremely persistent. Also, he can hold his breath underwater for a full ten minutes.
in_plaid_sight - Monkey Island
Stan, Purveyor of Various Wares. He'll sell you anything! You want a boat? He's got it! Coffins? No problem! Life insurance? Okey-dokey! Time shares? Wonderful!
Disclaimer: Sold goods are not subject to any standard of actual quality. Stan takes no responsibility, fiscal or legal, for the result of anything purchased from Stan's Emporium. Objects sold are not necessarily even Stan's, and may be sold to two different people at once. Tax not included. All sales final.
10100questions - Tron
Bit, Bit. Yesyesyesyesyesyes!
1010questions - Tron
Bit, Bit. Same journal, but with more binary fail. (It's supposed to be 20, not 10.)
video_warrior - Tron
Tron, Encom Security Program. The real version of him, taken from the classic Tron movie (as opposed to the new one). Still a very good athlete and gladiator, and champion of a free system. He can come off as a little cold and overly logical, though, but that's just because he's a computer program and warrior.
curious_bot - WALL-E
WALL-E, Waste Allocation Load Lifter, Earth-class. He's the only one of his kind left, and he's just a bit lonely. That is, until he met EVE, who seemed to fill that empty spot in his processors. Now he desperately searches for her across the universe.
classy_criminal - White Collar
Neal Caffrey, again. Same character, less catchy journal name. =P
delta_tech - Original Character
Tony Pelusi, Programmer. He's an ass, sadistic at times, and holds no stock in friendship whatsoever. If you knew some of the things he's been through, you might understand why - but don't let that excuse him. He's still an ass. Always wears sunglasses, just because. And there's something more to him than meets the eye...
Characters that I have muses for that don't have journals (meaning they also aren't important enough to get detailed descriptions):
Black Mage, Homicidal Wizard (8-bit Theater)
Lucca, Inventor (Chrono Trigger)
Magus, Dark Wizard (Chrono Trigger)
Hercules, Demigod (Disney's Hercules (Kingdom Hearts especially))
Angeal Hewley, SOLDIER 1st Class (FFVII: Crisis Core)
War, Apocalyptic Horseperson (Good Omens)
I'll play other characters, too, if I'm familiar with the canon. If you want to see any of these anywhere, let me know.
Also, if you have any icons for any of the characters, lemme know? ^^;