Public Log 006-03X

Feb 21, 2010 13:24

Preface: [Attached Battle Report]

Combat Evaluation Result: Angelg performed adequately in underwater conditions, damage suffered was negligible.

Analysis: Enemy reinforcement 2 (to be refered to as 'Discordia' from hereafter) displayed an advanced form of GDF's 'Energy Taker' special tactical weapon. Similarity: both are capable of transferring energy from enemy's power output to their own capacitors. Differences: Energy Taker is unable to transfer energy output from weapons and requires physical contact. Furthermore, it is only capable of a partial drain. 'Discordia' was able to absorb all weapon fire up to and including Hagane's Tronium Cannon, and presumably transmitting the energy to unit 'Lord Judge'.

Attempts to scan the emitted network of 'Discordia' resulted in sensory package malfuntion. Hypothesis - The net acts as both a physical defense and an electronic defense, capable of absorbing energy and broadcasting electronic warfare components to actively attack sensors suites. Energy threshold might correspond to the lower limits of a nuclear fission device, as 'Discordia' prevented field-rigged reactor's detonation by absorbing incoming fire.

Secondary hypothesis - Physical defense component of the net might be quantum in nature, due to the vast energy threshold with little visible after effects.

Further data extrapolation is available: [raw data file attached], [extrapolation data file attached]
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