Chapter 33 ~ never ending curse of life ~

Jul 30, 2008 09:02

have u ever found an ending point and the starting point of a circle?
what comes around goes around..kharma...deeds and all revolves around..
life itself is a circle, a metamorphorsis.. there is no end to it..
ppl birth, ppl die..ppl grow to learn happiness which resulted the feeling of sorrow and sadness..
the cycle never ends..its a tragedy and the curse of humanity..if one day ever that this circle is broken..
humanity will find true existence..
the result of a rich man, is the result of a poor man on the other side..
the gain of one thing is the lost of the other thing, this cycle will never end..
jus like when troubles'll never after another..its a cycle..when one phase of trouble end..
the next will emerge and it starts all over again..aint such a curse in life?
ppl strive, ppl fall..there will always be a peak and so will there always be a pit..
the peak and pit of life can never be unrelated..
when u've climbed to the peak of a mountain, u're sure to deploy back to the pit..
nothing is forever at its peak and nothing is forever at the pit..
the rise and fall of stars, companies and human life is an example of the cycle..
its peak and pit..the faster we ascend to the peak, the faster we'll start to decend to the pit..
jus like, the higher u climb the harder u fall..who can prevent such things and go against destiny?
the repel of one's destiny is the start of another new destiny..who can escape?
life is such a curse that, the end of one's trouble, its the start of another..
the start of one's wealth, its the end of another's wealth..
the start of a new life its the end of another's life..this balance will nv end.
nothing is forever..even legacies die..
well..haha..mayb jus my opinion..jus for thoughts!read it!=p
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