May 09, 2009 22:36
Graduation was today. To summarize: talking for 45 minutes. Then a kick ass key note speaker. Then one hour of reading names. Then TONS of pictures with friends. Highlights of the day: actually getting a hug and praise from Ryvkin, and Javier Marion praising Me, Gary, and Maggie on still being some of his favorite students even though we only had two classes with him and I ran into him once in the mall. He really loved our Freshmen Year Seminar class. He made donations in our name to the Henry David Thereau fund and we got a green "live stron"-esque bracet. It really was a thoughtful gesture. Thus solidifiying Javier as the coolest guy ever lol.
Went out for dinner with my family and my grandmother. THEN, like i've been saying for the last two weeks, I got sick as soon as I was stopped being stressed. I've had a dry cough for the last two weeks, and I woke up with postnasal drip and a soar throat. Now i'm achey everywhere and exhausted. Man, I cannot wait to go to bed.