(no subject)

Dec 29, 2008 02:10

So for the last few days I've been trying to figure out why when I drink tea made from my cast iron tetsubin that I feel funny. At first I thought it was psychosematic, that because it was new my brain was acting funny. Its just tea, its never bothered me before. Then maybe it was because i'm using a cast iron pot with glaze, maybe i didn't clean it well enough and i was imbibing something my body didn't like. But that doesn't make sense because most compounds don't make you feel weird within minutes or until they reach toxic levels and all my symptoms left within an hour. SOOOO I find out today, that since I'm infusing tea from whole tea leaves rather than just steeping bags of tea bought from the store I am apparently getting a higher dose of Theanine (an amino acid found primarily only in tea). Theanine can cross the blood-brain barrier and has psychoactive properties (sorta similar to alcohol with its promotion of GABA production). For most people drinking tea increases alpha-waves in the brain which promote feelings mental relaxation and coupled with caffiene makes you feel more alert, but god knows i'm so sensitive to drugs lol. Or maybe i'm so ephing stressed all the time that I just don't know how it feels to be relaxed. My eyes still aren't as healed as I'd like them to be. My exema is starting to come under control in the sense that my face isn't as bad and as dry as it use to be. My hands are still dry as a bone though. Well its super late, i'm off to bed.
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