Aug 13, 2006 08:05

Verily, into a rented van shall we cram:

new drawing table, boxed
new futon and boxed frame
disassembled "Bob", the Ikea bookcase
boxes and bags of longed-for posessions
inherited 50s bureau
one speed theft-resistant* bicycle
things that may or may not have to do with a certain daughter's birthday *whistling nonchalantly*
an upholstered chair if there's room (but whommm are we kidding?)
...and, oh yes, ourselves.

*w/ patented "why bother?" cloaking technology

And then shall we drive, my Brothers and Sisters: drive until our brains leak out of our ears.

OK, i exaggerate. We're driving to Chicago. In one day. Yes: Arg. But then! Then we'll have a big ol' time-and-a-half hanging with our homie as_leaves_blink, perking up her new apartment, and celebrating said birthday. When we leave Thursday, it will be via a far kinder form of travel than driving OR liquid-restricted-flight: sleeper train!

Meanwhile we are leaving our precious menagerie in the able hands of "Mistah Spot", a.k.a. "Rabbi Saul", a.k.a. "Mr Uncle Rodent" (whom we are getting close to convincing to start his own LJ) , and the ever-loving fizzbang. This is good because Moomin, a.k.a. "Little Noodnik", a.k.a. "Ant Lion" a.k.a. "Snoots" is on meds for a wee tiny sinus infection, and is still a bit shy of 8 weeks old. So all will be well, and we shall return bearing photographs!

Funny how some entities accumulate nicknames and others don't.
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