Bara no nai Hanaya episode 5-8 thoughts

Mar 15, 2008 21:14

After authoring episodes 5 through 8 of Bara no nai Hanaya, I immediately started watching them. I am completely captivated by this drama and I've come to like it a lot.

As with any Nojima Shinji drama, this has twists galore. As we find out in the first episode, the "blind" girl can actually see and is part of a plot to destroy Ohanaya-san. Naoya, the freeloader, is also part of this mastermind scheme. Everything is planned by the man who was Ohanaya-san's wife's dad and Shizuku's grandfather. This is all to get revenge on Ohanaya-san for abandoning and hurting his daughter.

In episode 5 and on, we find out that the "blind" girl Mio can have "surgery" to enable her to see. Of course, Mr. Flower guy, who is already stupidly blinded by love (harhar), offers to give her the money to have the "surgery" done. Unwillingly, she accepts, though she is deeply touched by his gesture and sees exactly how much he cares for her.

Eventually, Ohanaya-san finds out that Mio isn't actually blind and is hurt that she lied to him. However, his love for her is stronger than his pain, and he pretends not to know about her situation. She also finds out that he knows about her lie and she pretends not to know about it as well. What happens to a love that was based on lies? The answers aren't clear just yet.

After finding out that Ohanaya-san will have to close the flower shop and finding out that Shizuku's grandfather's ultimate revenge was to gain custody of Shizuku, she wanted to give Ohanaya-san back the money, but as luck would have it, Naoya assaulted her and stole the money away so he could pay off his loansharks.

At the end of episode 7, Mio finds out that Eiji (I finally remembered Ohanaya-san's real name!) is not Shizuku's father and that he did not abandon his "wife." Finding this out was a shock and Mio was in tears when because it meant that everything that she did was all for nothing. All her actions caused a happy family, whom she came to love, to be ripped apart. Still, she keeps her pain to herself and has the courage to keep on visiting Eiji, and eventually give him the key to her apartment.

So, who's Shizuku's father? We find out that it's the doctor who will perform surgery on Mio's father, who is dying of a brain tumor. That same doctor knows and has the respect of Shizuku's grandfather. Oh, if he only knew that this guy was the bastard to abandon his beloved daughter. How sick is that?

And so Eiji knows who this bastard is. Instead of wanting to kill the bastard, he hugs him like an old friend. What's going through Eiji's mind? What were his intentions with Shizuku and her mother? Why did he raise Shizuku as his own? So many questions and only 3 more episodes. I wish these new few episodes will be available soon because the suspense is killing me.

Ok, one thing that was bothering me was when Mio and Eiji had a conversation and he mentioned that if she had never been blind he probably wouldn't have given her a second glance. It seemed like it was only because she was blind that he started to care for her. What a disenheartening thing to hear, especially since Mio has her vision intact.

In the side stories, the hot bartender still has a school boy crush on Shizuku's teacher and his childish jealousy is the comedy part of this drama. Only she has no clue and disregards him. C'mon, stupid! You're a teacher so you're supposed to be smart! How can you not figure out that this guy is hot and that he wants you? :/

Wow, as I'm rereading these thoughts, I find them to be so jumbled up and somewhat confusing and out of place. Ah, whatever. ;)

jdrama reviews, jdrama

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