ohh Frightened Rabbit, i am so excited to see you!
yesterday was cold and breezey, and i had the most heavenly cinnamon latte.
Thursday i have to go take a Biology exam, and i'm so worried that i won't do well. it's the final for a course that i took over Summer, so i really don't remember the material. i need to start studying asap, but i have so much school work as it is! wish me luck. not gonna lie, though, i'm excited to go because it means i get gelato! there's a wonderful gelato shop right around there.
i'm thinking of spending some of my money. i've had it saved for so long.
my parents owe me a $100 gift for my 16th birthday, so i might ask them to buy me the old macro lens i had. it's cheap, and would work pretty well for self-portraits, i'd imagine. then i thought i could use my money on a really nice, great macro lens! good plan? hmm.
my mom is very, very, very set on me not spending any of my money, so we'll see.
p.s. my best friend told me today that she's leaving our school, and that we can't talk anymore.
i feel like crying.