i wrote something about each person in my class. don't read it if you dont want to.
dash ppl - please read on
gigi - aww gige is so cute and quiet!! shes soo nice tho and really cute in her own cute and shy way of doing things!!
ashleigh - boutte!! haha boutte is soo cute! shes so funny even when she doesnt mean to be. and she's got SO many guys, im jealous heehee. she's just an awesome person.
tanya - teeney!!! she's soo smart and she works really hard and we've been friends for a long time too. and its so funny cuz shes like obsessed w/ her bf and she like NEEDS him. but theyre really cute together :)
emily - aww emily's so cute! she's so nice too and she's soo funny. she has a great sense of humor and when i see her she's always laughing. and she makes me laugh too! we have pe together on friday's and we always have fun haha.
dimple - dimple's always laughing too and i love her laugh! shes so small and so cute, and i love the way she dances to her indian music, its really beautiful.
hebah - aww hebs! she's really smart and she works so hard, and i always see her stressing out, but she's a really interesting girl and i admire her desire to do really well in school.
katelyn - i dont really talk to katelyn a lot since we don't have any classes together, but when we do talk she's really nice. she's such a nice and sweet person.
laura - laura gardner! haha this girl is so loud and she's a white girl who loves to act ghetto (for fun). i always see her laughing and shes sooo funny! she can make anyone laugh anytime and she's just great. at the retreat, she came up to me and she was crying soso much and she was like telling me how much of a wonderful person i am, and i thought that was reallly sweet of her. i think she's a great person as well.
katie glaves - this girl is amazing person. she's soo smart and she's a really interesting person. i know she's really different than the rest of us, but thats because she doesnt care about the way she looks, or how she dresses, or anything. but i guess she has a passion for knowledge and i really admire that.
sara g - aww sara's so nice too! she's a great soccer player and shes a really sweet person as well.
eileen - eileeners! she's really nice and sweet and i have bio w/ her..so we're always complaining together about our super hard tests and everything. she's a great person.
abby - haha abby. what can i say? haha this girl is soo hyper and crazy and shes ALWAYS laughing and smiling about something. she's just a happy, cheery person and i love her personality and the way she's always laughing.
asena - asena's great! haha i love her personality and how she can be so loud sometimes. our history is quite funny - how we HATED each other in 5th grade..and then became great friends in 6th, and have been friends ever since. at the retreat she told me how she felt we were drifting apart and she wanted us to be close again, and asena- I TOTALLY AGREE!! you need to come over again so we can hang out, and while i shower you can "flirt" with my brother..again..ahah i love you!!
sara hoffman - aww i love kojax!! she's sooo tall! shes like a giant compared to me, and we're so cute cuz shes super tall and im super short, we look funny together. she's super sweet and super nice and she's a greeatt volleyball and basketball player. she's a great person and a great person to be around.
ellen - ahh..ellen. my ellie! i dont even think i can express in words of my feelings for ellen. she's just my best friend. such a great person and i love how we just connect, even tho we're so different. we're different in the way we look, the way we dress, our music, stuff like that. but we're the same when it comes to our morals and values, which is what really counts. its so awesome cuz when we're together, we can be in total silence, and it wont be ackward. then we can also have those moments where we TOTALLY spaz and be immature and stupid, and those are always fun. then we also have those moments where we have deep and intellectual conversations. those are the best cuz thats when we really understand each other. but she means a lot to me and im glad we're such great friends :)
kristie - aww kristie is soo cute! she has this cute little quiet voice..and its so cute. i dont really get to talk to her much cuz we dont have anymore classes together! except for world religions..but we cant talk in that class. but she's such a sweet person w/ a good heart.
miriam - i admire miriam so much. i told her how much of an inspiration she was to me cuz of her hard work and her passion for her religion. i love how she stands up for herself and stands up for what she believes in. i know that she's gonna be really successful in whatever she becomes in life, i just know it.
naomi - aww naoms! shes soo pretty and shes such a beautiful ballerina. i think she's a very nice girl and she's always been really nice to me, even tho some people complain that she's bitchy to them. she's never been a bitch to me, and i think she's really nice and funny!
adelina - haha addy! this girl is great..like asena said..i love the way she just doesnt care about anything! she doesnt care about what people think about her and she just does her own thing, and its great. shes SUCH a talented artist. her drawings are amazing. and i think she's a really nice person as well.
shipra - well. shipra. im sure everyone feels the same way about her. i feel so bad now tho for being so mean to her. not openly mean, but for being not nice and sarcastic to her. i just need to give her a chance, and the rest of the class needs to as well. im sure she's a good person and all..she's just trying wayy too hard to be liked. she just needs to be herself, and not try to be someone she's not.
whitney - whitney's great! she's really nice and she's SO opinionated, its great. it usually gets her in trouble though with the teachers haha but i admire how she sticks to what she believes in and pushes it. we've been friends since the 5th grade too, so ive known her for quite a while. she's SUCH a great person, and i know shes gonna be successful in whatever she does later on in life.
mary frances - ahhh mary!! she's always smiling and laughing as well and she's soo funny. she can make anyone laugh or smile and she'll just brighten your day just like that. shes a good person with a good heart.
katie mcwhorter - i dont really talk to her much, but i know she's a smart girl who can totally defend herself and what she believes in. when i do talk to her, she's really nice and really sweet and caring.
kristin - rebbb!! aww i love rebb! reb's amazing, she's soo funny and she's just great. haha i dont even know how to describe her! she's hilarious when she spazzes over the silliest little things, but i just spaz w/ her cuz its so much fun. she's so cute and little, just like me! she's just an all around awesome person :)
laura minero - wow, its kinda sad cuz i dont really talk to laura. i only have 1 class with her, but we dont even sit by each other. i dont think ive ever had an actual conversation with her, but i know shes really nice and when i see her shes always smiling. but ill talk to her soon! cuz i really wanna know what she's like.
olivia - olivetree! i really like olivia, but for some reason i feel like we've kinda drifted apart. we were closer friends freshman year, but thats cuz i think we had more classes together or something. freshman history was the best - "where's sargon?!" ahah. but she's really sweet and really nice and i really like her.
ronnie - ron ronn! i think we were closer freshman year too..but we're still friends now. she's always been really nice and really sweet to me. she's also a great singer, i wish i could sing like her. shes such a nice person.
erica moody - i dont really talk to her much. once again, i dont think i have any classes with her, which is sad. but i know shes really nice and she's really sweet to everyone. but im gonna start talking to her b/c i want us to be good friends and everything.
jenna - o gosh. haha what can i say about jenna?!? she's unique. definitely one of a kind. shes SO weird, and i absolutely love it!! she's just really..uhh..i dont know!! haha there's seriously no word of her, she's just awesome and soo funny and just a great great person. ps- i love her unique sense of style..ahah aww jenna!
danielle - danielle's amazing. she's so smart and reallly sweet and she's soo nice to everyone. and she's always always smiling. and i love how she is in amer lit, she's so smart in that class and knows everything and i love when she voices her opinion about something, and shes usually always right cuz she knows everything! she's a great person and shes got a great heart as well.
kristine - haha kristine norvik..i LOVE her bubbly personality and shes always so cheery!! she's hilarious as well, even when she doesnt mean to be. she gets so confused sometimes and its soo funny. she's soo nice and she's super sweet and super funny. and shes so much fun to be around too. you can never NOT have fun when you're with kristine. and her obsession w/ starbucks and abercrombie is amazing...ahah.
erica olivarez - i love erica. she's my cousin and we have so many memories together. i admire her so much because she works SO hard and she's always stressing out cuz she wants to do really well in school. she's so honest too. she tells u like it is. if she thinks ur bi, she'll tell u that ur bi (ahah like she told ellen!) and shes sarcastic too, and i love it ahah. she's just a great person and im so lucky to have her as my cousin =D
lauren parkerson - lauren is such a beautiful person, both on the inside and on the outside. she's so nice, sweet, caring, forgiving..she's just everything. and she's religious too, like me, and thats something we have in common. she's always caring about other people and has such a good heart. if i could be anyone for one day, i'd wanna be lauren cuz shes just a wonderful person. sometimes i even find myself wishing i was her cuz shes so amazing. she's an inspiration to me as well.
nolan - nolan was one of those girls i was sort of intimidated by, but now i know shes really a nice girl with leadership qualities. she was in my group for the obstacle course thing on fri and she knows how to lead people, which is good. i dont have any classes with her so i dont talk to her much, but shes a good person.
johanna - johanna's really nice and she's really sweet too and she's so smart and works so hard. she's religious too just like myself and i admire that.
julie ray - aww juls is so cute! shes really quiet sometimes, but then other times she can be really hyper and its hilarious. i remember she used to always spaz last year about algebra II tests in her little habib voice, it was hilarious. she's SUCH a nice person.
leokadia - at first i used to think she was kinda weird..but she's just different. during our advisory get together she was talking about the fact how she wished her and her younger sister were closer, and i really admire that, since most of the people i know who have sisters hate them! but she's a really nice girl with a good heart. im gonna start talking to her more too.
rachel - haha she's always spazzing over a history test or chemistry lab or something, its so funny. but shes really a really nice girl too :o)
amy rump - amy's always smiling! shes just like kristine, really bubbly and cheery and positive about everything!! no wonder her and kristine get along so very well.
melissa salazar - haha melissa...she is SO funny! she can make anyone laugh and we're always talking about how we're gonna go harvard together and spice it up, since they need mexicans over there ahah. and she's religious too and shes really close to her family, just like me. shes so great and she has a big heart <3
irina - irinas crazy! and hyper! and soo funny! i think we kinda drifted apart since we have no classes together this year..absolutely none! last year we had so many classes together and we were good friends. but whenever i see her im like HEYY IRINA I NEVER SEE U ANYMORE!! she's a one of a kind too. not anyone else like irina..haha.
jackie - jacks!! we've been friends since 5th grade too. jackie's a reallly nice and reallly sweet girl. she's soo funny and shes my dancing partner!! shes SUCH a great person and aww i love her to death!
cristina tulio - tulio!! wow we've been friends since the 5th grade. we were best friends all throughout middle school. but i think its sad cuz i know we've most definitely drifted apart since freshman year. we had no classes together last year and we just have like one together this year..we dont really talk as much either. but whenever i see her i always say heyy to her and she does to me. i really want us to be close again cuz i miss her.
amanda - she's a really nice girl. i have social awareness with her and we always talk and stuff and shes really cute and funny :o)
anna - shes so quiet! i dont even talk to her much...i dont think ive had an actual conversation with her, which is sad! i really wanna get to know her, i know shes a really sweet girl, i just havent talked to her, no idea why. we dont have any classes together at all...sad! im gonna start talking to her more though.
cinthya - omg cin!! now i know we've drifted apart, which is SUPER SAD. we were SUCH good friends freshman and soph year, and i dunno what happened. i really dont. but cin is SUCH an amazing girl. she's the nicest sweetest person and shes so much fun to be around too. and i realllly really hope we can become close again cuz i miss her. at the retreat when i was hugging everyone and crying and everything, we found each other and we just like gave each other the biggest hug and we were both hysterically crying and i was like omg cin i love you soo much and she was like nands i love you too! and it was this huge emotional thing. wow it was so sad. that whole emotional night was so sad! but i really hope we can become great great friends again.
amie zukowski - amie's really unique and a one of a kind kinda person too. she's always hyper and smiling and she's so different haha but i admire her for that. she can be loud too sometimes but its hilarious. i love her uniqueness.
well, there's my class. as you can see (if you read it), they're ALL really great, nice, sweet, amazing, funny girls and theyre seriously the best. THE BEST! actually, anyone who's ever been to duchesne is the best.
cia, ur the best too!! everyones the best =D
the end.