(no subject)

Nov 07, 2005 23:01


So on Saturday me and Danny went to our Topshop induction at Tigertiger, was ok.. everyone seems nice enough :). We got our lunch there and while i was eating my panini a big green beetle crawled out from under my lettuce! It was like the size of your thumb nail! Then I showed it to the girl next to me and she shrieked in a lovely high pitched scream.. baistee! Got a new panini though with no beetles under my lettuce :D

Went to Clydesdale at night with Amy Craig Becca and Holly, met like Martin Iain etc on the way there too. It was ok... 6 pounds to get in but! Whats that about?! Me and Holly had some great fun with my sparklers though and Iain joined in and we kidden on we were from S Club 7 :p. Then I was sad :( Amy and Craig decided to sing to me to see if I would feel better lol. I went back to Ashby's after so it was okydokyoky :).

Went to Rebeccas for a while tonight for a weee catch up. Had to walk there and back and it was pouriiiing down.. Rebecca you never gave me your magic gloves!

Well hoped you enjoyed reading my new eljaydo

x x

10 memories
- Spain. Rubber top time especially :p
- Admiiiiin :)
- The time me Amy and Nadine were having lunch on her stoop and I brought the shit back hahaha

- Me and Claudia trying to drink shots of 'Afterknock' and being sick after each one
- When me and Ashby ran to Sainsburies for something haha
- When Craig done something really really nice in the bunker!
- Maths in 3rd and 4rth year with Martin and .. Nadine
- In zante when I couldnt stand on the pebbles like Bambi :) 'No Claudia.. like actually can't stand.. no like help though.. actually!'
-Pollok park with Chris :)
-All the times we went to troon

9 interests/ things you like
- Friends
- Boyfriend
- Subways!!!! Hearty italien with turkey, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, lots of onion and pepper ;)
- Laughing
- When it doesn't rain
- Carrots
- Fridays
- Randomness
- The X factor! I love Maria and Nicholas :)

8 highs
- When you laugh sooo hard and the tears come streaming down your nose :)
- Waking up and something you've been looking forward to for ages is going to happen that day
- Waking up on your birthday or Christmas
- Waking up beside a certain someone :)
- When you get that happy butterfly feeling in your tummy
- When you've just been at the dentist and you know you don't need to go for another 6 months
- The smell of dampness :p
- And other stuff ;)

7 things about you
- I have long blonde hair
- I have blue eyes
- I make a full of myself and ramble actual shit when im drunk
- I like to laugh :)
- I have decided that my new favourite number is 57
- Im probly quite weird.. Holly says so anyway :(
- I have a beautiful boyfriend

6 things to do before you die
- Learn to ice-skate :p
- Get married, have babies
- Go to Uni
- Go travelling to save the meerkats in Africa
- Learn to drive
- Learn to play the piano

5 things that make you smile
- My friends
- My boyfriend
- The sun
- Some songs I like
- Wee babies :)

4 close friends
- Claudia
- Amy
- Becca
- Holly

3 songs that remind you of someone
- Ash - shining light, reminds me of Chris
- Come on Eileen reminds me of claudia
-boogie 2night reminds me of all my friends :)

2 places you want to visit
- France
- Italy

1 place you want to be right now
- Con mi novio :(
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