(no subject)

Mar 09, 2006 00:25

I took this from T's MySpace. Let it be known, before hand, that I am ridiculously bored, and am seriously neglecting work I really, really need to be doing.

1. I'm not actually Mexican.
2. I have the feeling that this is going to be difficult to finish.
3. Despite the fact that I really love talking about myself.
4. I've nevr had to get stitches.
5. But I did break my wrist in sixth grade. During gym class, while running backwards. I wore a purple cast - it was ridiculous.
6. I have a bizzare obsession with Scar from 'The Lion King'. And, in effect, with Jeremy Irons.
7. I have a difficult time expressing my opinions.
8. I hate most rap and hip-hip/R&B, in large part because of the use of ebonics and horrible grammar. However, there are a few exceptions.
9. I like 80s music a lot, though.
10. I've been pretending to get along with Jackie to her face for four years now. On very rare occassions, I can stand her company for short spurts of time. I don't know how much longer this will last.
11. I had a crush in varying degrees of enormity on Tim from sometime at the end of freshman year in high school to around November of 2005. I thought it came back when Angelica took him to the winter formal, but I think that it was really just the fact that she'd accomplished something I'd always wanted to do but didn't have the gall to try for.
12. But I still think he's the prettiest boy I know, and possibly the most pseudo-latently homosexual.
13. And I would not object to him wearing the snakeskin pants again. Or being molested by that cute vampirish guy from church.
14. I've played the drums since sophmore year. The only way I could acquire lessons was to join the Villa jazz band. That was the most retarded three years I've spent doing anything.
15. I didn't think I'd ever get to use my drums again after graduation. Luckily, I was wrong.
16. Now I'm one of the drummers for my college's ministry group. I play kit, but want to learn bongos/conga/djambe/cajun, whatever.
17. I've been in denial about my Super-Cathness for three years or so. I still make fun of them. But in reality I'm way too involved in Super-Cathy things to say that I'm not.
18. Sometimes I go to church, Prayer and Praise, etc, largely just to see one of the boys I have a crush on. Sometimes this makes me feel guilty and slightly pathetic.
19. Since the beginning of the year I've been much more friendly with said kid, and that makes me really happy.
20. I have horrendous vision, and need very strong prescription contacts/glasses.
21. I have cosplayed as the following characters - Haruhara Haruko from FLCL, a Battle Royale kid, and L from Death Note. I plan to do so again this year - as L, and...someone from Bleach who has yet to be decided upon.
22. I just got my driver's liscence on January 13th. Oddly, this was the same day Dave got his in Maryland.
23. But I'm not really all that fond of driving right now. I think I will be once I feel more confident.
24. I do like driving fast, however.
25. I am determined to own the following pets at some point in my life: a black cat, a pitt bull, a hedgehog, a rat, and a monkey. not neccessarily in that order. At all.
26. Previous to starting college, I had an excrutiatingly difficult time opening up around strangers. Sometime in November or so, this changed. I'm not gonna say I don't still have shyness, but I've been much more easily coaxed out of my shell lately.
27. I'm really grateful for all the people I've gotten to know at DeSales. I generally feel hugely comfortable around them, and it used to take me a long time to get to that point.
28. I hang out with more boys than girls at DeSales, which hadn't happened regularly since early grade school.
29. When I read books I tend to get really vivid, cinematic images in my head of what's going on.
30. I love thunderstorms.
31. I am totally psyched about my impending Christmas trip to England.
32. I'm also not at all looking forward to the plane ride.
33. I get easily jealous of others.
34. My body image is generally not that great. I would love to lose 30 pounds. I try not to get too worried about it.
35. I am, however, proud of myself for going to the gym regularly.
36. I can do a 10 minute mile.
37. Dessert totally owns me. XD
38. I <3 DDR, but I need a new mat. Mine has holes in it. D:
39. I think it'd be so fun to do anonymous good deeds and make people really happy (because I fangirl 'Amelie' like whoa), but I don't know what to do without being/feeling totally creepy.
40. I usually only sing along with music when I'm 99% sure no one can hear me.
41. I love wigs.
42. I hate my hair more often than I enjoy it. I usually threaten to shave my head at least once a week.
43. Sometimes I really want to get my eyebrow pierced.
44. I wanted to be a veterinarian since I was really little, and then stopped sophmore year or so. now I have no idea what I want to do.
45. I'm an English major right now, with a Secondary Ed. concentration. I have the feeling that this won't last past next year.
46. I honestly can't see myself teaching - I'm way too impatient, and resent people not knowing stuff.
47. Lately I've toyed with and loved the idea of opening up a bookstore.
48. So I've been thinking about minoring in Business.
49. I've never smoked or done drugs. Or drank, really, because I don't count sipping beer or wine or whatever here and there.
50. Occassionally I've wanted to just get drunk once or smoke a fag and get it over with, but then I figure I'd be a hypocrite.
51. I have to read 200 pages of a book on British Atlantic history, figure out how to present selkies, and read 'Closely Watched Trains' by Sunday. The only day I'll really have free time to do so will be part of tomorrow, and Saturday. No good.
52. I find baking to be a lot of fun.
53. I want to own this Tudor house I always pass on the way to Wawa.
54. I've known my three best friends for fourteen years, one since before kindergarten.
55. I really want to get married before I hit 28.
56. I don't want to have a lot of kids because I don't like the idea of pain.
57. The idea of pain keeps me from doing a lot of things, actually.
58. Sometimes I randomly think about the afterlife, and how it apparently lasts forever, and it blows my mind. Because, seriously, can anyone fathom eternity?
59. I don't know if I want to experience something forever.
60. I've never had surgery.
61. This past summer I somehow wound up having seven cavities filled.
62. I love my dog Max, and now that he's old and sick and probably not going to live very much longer, it makes me sad. And I hope I'm away when he does die, because I don't want to see how my family will react.
63. I hate crying, rarely do it in public.
64. I occassionally think I may be emotionally stunted. XD
65. I have deemed the period between fifth and tenth grades my "man phase" - in which, basically, I looked like a chunky man. This also makes me laugh.
66. I'm really close with my parents and sister, and that generally makes me happy.
67. I get freaked out if I think about what might happen if any of them died in the near future.
68. Once the front door of my house caught on fire because some birds built a nest in the porch light. Hahahaha.
69. My reading habits are horrendous, and I start tons of books and then take forever to finish them.
70. I wish I could do a lot of things better (drum, draw, write), but usually can't be buggered to practice.
71. I drive a red '95 Ford Taurus. It's too sexy, don't even try to fathom it.
72. I work at the library at school. It doesn't pay very well.
73. I despise the fact that I'm technically currently signed on to work at Sesame Place again, and am desperately searching for alternatives.
74. The first time I drove, it was with the BRC, in the Villa parking lot, at 10 o'clock at night, while listening to Gackt. It was awesome.
75. It would've been great if my dad had taught me Spanish growing up, since half my family speaks it as a first language. But he didn't, mostly since my mom doesn't speak it at all, and we don't speak it at home.
76. Both of my parents are from New York, and moved here when my mom was pregnant with me.
77. Coffee is my lifeblood.
78. I always have tons of story and character ideas, but never write much with them.
79. I have a list of baby names that I will never be able to use completely unless I either get a ton of pets, or give each of my children five names.
80. My middle name is Margaret, after my grandmother.
81. My last name means 'lamb' in Spanish. Sophmore year in Spanish class it was used as the word for 'lambchop' in the textbook, and this made me laugh.
82. I wish I had more money.
83. I love going for walks in the Five Mile Woods, but that doesn't happen nearly enough.
84. The wind on campus pisses me off to an unreasonable degree.
85. I want to learn how to play guitar and/or piano.
86. I hate just sitting around at home, because I get bored way too easily.
87. Going to Princeton, Williamsburg, and New Hope gets me really excited.
88. I never really expected to get into Princeton when I applied, but I was really disappointed when I got wait-listed at William and Mary.
89. But it also made it easier for me to pick St. John's as my top choice...which didn't work financially, which sucked.
90. Most of the time I'm pretty happy with where I ended up though.
91. I still want a Vespa, but don't know if I'd have the guts to drive it.
92. I still have notebooks and drawings from when I was in third grade, all the way through high school. Some done alone, some with friends. When I look through them it makes me all nostalgic and ridiculous.
93. I also have my diary from 5th-7th grade. When I look through it, I usually think that I'd kick the ass of my past self.
94. In sixth grade, T and I started writing a series of disturbingly perverse and violent stories starring ourselves and characters from various TV shows, books, movies, etc, plus some we made up ourselves. Like murderous talking leopards. I still find them hilarious, but probably for different reasons.
95. I think this just goes to show that not as much changes as we think.
96. Part of me longs to travel all around, and part of me hopes that I'll live near my family so that my kids'll have a close relationship with their grandparents and cousins and stuff, because I feel like I've never really had one.
97. I wish I could climb trees.
98. The word 'nipple' freaks me out. So does 'supple', 'ripple', and pretty much any other word with a double-P followed by 'le'.
99. I always anticipate the month of October beginning.
100. I used to be obssessed with animals, aliens, and dinosaurs. (Therefore, Kristin and I led a single life at one time.)
101. When I was younger (5th, 6th grade?) I made up a rather extensive comic series called "Dogs", and it was about these dogs...well yeah. And they eventually met these crazy wolf packs, and there was canine soap operatic ridiculousness.

Woo, fun.

surveys, memes, utter boredom

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