I'm checking out old DJ entries, as I oft do, because it's funny to look back at how obnoxious I was five years ago, and compare to how obnoxious I am now. And also because Amanda was doing so last night. This excerpt is particularly amusing to me right now, for the beastial, raging irony of it all...if only you knew, fifteen-year-old Christa.
"Today at Mass the sexy Cedars were playing. Lol...It was exciting. Monsigneur looked like he wanted the Cedars to stop singing when they kept doing all the verses, lol. Good times. Oh my God, I wann be a Cedar!! lmao...j/k. But I do wanna play drums. Too bad Merry doesn't give lessons any more. Lessons from a real live Cedar...hahaha. XD"
- August 18, 2002.
Well, shit.
Yesterday was a lovely day. The weather was divine. I had to work, but was feeling damn good because I made cookies for the neighbors and made them smile. Work went quickly, and well. Got home, mom and dad had to go up to NY spur of the moment for a funeral viewing, so Angelica and I went out for dinner at Panera. On the way home, we contemplated stopping places, but did not. I considered taking Route 1, but liekd driving with the windows down on that most glorious of days. Oh, if only we had.
At the intersection of Big Oak and Oxford Valley, I was behind a big white van/truck at a red light. Both of us were turning right. I thought he'd gone, so I checked left to make sure I was clear and accelerated. I WASN'T CLEAR. Um, the van hadn't gone after all, and I rammed him up the ass. :O My car definitely took the brunt of the damage - the right side of the fender's got a huge hole torn in it, and the right blinker and headlight are completely messed up. From what I could tell the other van just had some scratches and red paint on the bumper. Blaaah. But the guy was really kind and understanding and seemed about as aware of what to do in this situation as me. So...cops came, took info, I've gotta call insurance. Booey. Oh well. At long last, I have been in an accident.
I have to call in BBW soon and see if my services are needed. Please no! I have no car, I wanna go to the gym, I wanna go grocery shopping so I can make my red velvet cake for Wednesday.
- cake ingredients shopping
- clean room
- drop off glasses at Immordino's
- Tom & Natalie's wedding invitations
- wrap Beth & John's wedding gift
- CFX promo vid (before my Adobe trial runs out!)
- Tom's tattoo design (WTF?)
- CFX tee design
That is all.
ETA: Man oh man, if these red velvet cupcakes turn out as delicious as the batter and icing, then DAMN. :D Also, red food dye is hilarious.