Mar 11, 2006 13:06
Yup so Tiffany is really bored at work today..its SOOO slow :| like..unreal slow. I hate it lots. theres nothing to do..I cleaned..i filed A LOT of crap. sat on my butt..did some more paper work..than knitted got bored..thoughts ran threw my head got sad. cleaned windows outside and inside..ya. Im bored. lol Cant wait to go home. Im hungry. AND its opa looks birthday. so were having like nathan nikki and i guess leAnna and Daniel..woot...*sigh* nathan and nikki im happy cause ya i can talk to nate about something on WOW. Im stuck with this stupid quest that i cant do..stupid Great Bear Spirit..*wants to kick it* So ya. I guess im actually doing stuff for march break that made me happy like. going shopping on..wednesday i think it is. and thursday :S but ya. i want to go to the states and they want to go to burlington. we'll see what happens i guess. i need shoes..and dress pants mom says. I also want to look for an electric during the break. saw a squire black and white with a tiny amp for..$279 at central music. There was this really hot guy there. haha :O ya. ssoo..
how about them apples..? gonna go knitt..or play solitare some more..woot..