Nov 18, 2004 16:00
you know, i really hate it when _______'s dad really fucks things up with my dad. (jami and riki you know who im talking about ).. my gosh.... so i guess my dad ran into him at the grocery store, and was talking to my dad. well now my dad wants me to go play tennis every saturday with people when frankly, im kinda busy and i dont really want to do it in the winter all that much. well i politly say no thanks, not right now, when then my dad goes off on saying how i should get better. but i say im perfectly fine with 3/4 singles. well of course my dad doesnt believe me and says that theres gonna be people coming up. but i say back, no, i explain this to you too many times. there are no spots for varsity next year. im sorry. well he gets all pissy and says stuff about how if someone was better, then theyd be before me ... i gotta go. ill finish wehn i get back.