We're a Broken People Living Under Loaded Gun
Friend or De-friend at will.
Current obsessions/Fandoms of 2012:
Supernatural || X-Men First Class || Suits || Sherlock BBC
Fandoms of 2010/11:
X-Men First Class || Sherlock BBC || Queer as Folk || Inception
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I don't know if you remember me or not, but I remember seeing you a lot in KHR het. hahaha.
Random but, asjfk! Mahasiswa UNTAR? Bbrp temen SMA gw kuliah disana! XDD
I tend to lurk too. XD
Yep. UNTAR... dan gedung bobroknya. Haha. Kuliah dimana?
Ada yg kuliah di fakultas desainnya kl ga salah inget. Tp udah lost contact sama mereka. :3
Don't worry 'bout it, I don't remember until recently when I see you again in a thread at hetalia comm... orz *me and my lurking* *and I know you're indonesian from there*
Anyway, you wrote US/UK OMG.
Ah! Must be from that discussion about the Asean countries? Seriously, I've never been involved in discussion before cuz I'm lazy.
And, yep! I wrìte USxUK fic. 8Dv. They're like, my OTP and I ship them to death.<3
The hetalia comm is flooding with US/UK recently. That makes me one very very happy fangirl. You make me happy too. Yay. *shot*
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