Jan 04, 2006 15:46
ok sweetest thing ive everheard....some ppl might think is cheesy but i thought it was really sweet..
oksome how last me and daryl got into talking about tatoos...how idk..but we did and this is what he said hes gone get....he said he wasgonna getlike a rosson his back w/ his kids names and mt name on his lower back..then he was gonnaput SBD on his 4arm..and one of his kids names on one arm and one on the other..and thenmy nameon his other arm i think...and then he was gonna put saraonhis right hand and bethon his other...likeon his fingers...and somthng on his stonach and something on his leg i think...and he was sayin all of it i thought it was really really sweet!!! lol and i hink i know what im gonna get on my back...sence his names 5 letters long im gonna get the r right in the middle of my back and im gonna get a rose on one side and have its stem goin threw the "d" and the "a" and make part of the "r" and then after the "yl" another rose w/ its stem making the rest of the "r" and like swerling down the rest of the "r" that was already thee.....yea i know sounds like alot of work but i think itd look really good...
but im all happy kow!..some ppl know why...
but i's gonna go know...peace out..wow never sayin that agian!lol
I ♥ Daryl!!!