Dec 16, 2005 00:06
Quiet moments from 6 months on the road...
Sam, asleep in the car, Dean quietly sliding into his seat, but Sam wakes up, and blinks sleepily, so he lightly throws a wrapped sandwich on to his lap.
Quiet grin from Sam.
Dean grins back.
At night, Dean sleeping on his bed, while Sam sits in the laundromat, and watches their clothes spin. Folding his brothers clothes neatly and putting them beside his brother's bed for when he wakes up in the morning.
Watching bad TV, infomercials, late night talk shows, with the sound as muted as he can manage, with Dean breathing quietly from his bed as he sleeps. Every so often, Dean wakes up, checking that Sam is still there, and reassured, goes back to sleep.
Dean cleaning the gunk off his boots, then sitting down to polish them, and Sam joining him, both just sitting quietly.
Cleaning the car. Washing it. Dean hosing it down in an old white tee, and polishing the car, while Sam reads a newspaper, and sits and watches him. Sunny afternoon, golden light and reflections off the sparkles from the water. Deans skin lightly golden, t-shirt spattered with drops of water as he tends to his baby.
Polishing the seats and (thingy?) board, with leather polish.
Polishing leather jacket?
Hmmm... mostly quiet moments. No dialogue. Very sweet.