(no subject)

Sep 02, 2008 16:42

Oh my gosh buttercups!  My friend A is in labour!  She called me a few hours ago to say that she was two inches dialated and that her car wasn't starting.  So I'm on call to drive them to the hospital when the time comes, at least for now.  I think they have someone else lined up for the evening.  I'm excited, and happy for A because she is real pregnant and real ready for the kid to come OUT!

In other news, I just hired a spanish tutor, if by "hired" you mean "asked my friend bigunen  who said yes."  It is kind of wierd to decide I want spanish lessons, because I have been speaking it all my life, but I had this realization of late that I am no longer fluent.  Which is wierd.  And I'm sure I'll write a great piece about it later.  But in the meantime, I have to practice so that my kid doesn't think that "parkear" is a real word. I really want to raise a bilingual kid, which is going to be tough, because we don't have a bilingual household.

In other other news, it is so hot I feel like I'm breathing soup.  But I'm trying to enjoy it because after today the temperature is going to drop and then it is going to be cold and rainy. Boo...

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