Can I Get a Neeeeigh? ;)

Oct 12, 2005 16:47

Booyeah! I just heard back for the mods of The Leaky rpg. I've been accepted as Firenze! w00t! 8))) Heh, ya gotta love any rpg that welcomes bestiality unique and creative new characters. *snerk* Kewlkewlkewl! Now..... I've just gotta get the character bio written up proper and get into horsey mentality. ;) Seriously though, I intend to play up on "horse culture", even though I'm a pathetically inexperienced city grrl. So, if anyone out there knows something about horse mannerisms and such, any little details would be great! Stuff like body language, behaviour, or specific vocab to use in conjunction. Thanks in advance, and everyone else come check me out (notaprettyhorse) and of course, the rpg as well (the_leaky and outside_leaky). And it's official now: no more rpging character journals for me!! I hope...

And don't worry, I AM working on artwork, rather slowly I'm afraid, but at least I am! 8)

That's all for now! Take care and have a good evening!

Coco =8-:} <-- My sad little attempt at a horsey smiley. ;P I B Geek.

ETA: *giggles* Heh, I just had to share this.... It took email long enough, but I finally got the notice that I've actually been accepted to the rpg comms. I quickly perused the e's and had to laugh at the wording. This just looks odd:

Dear Firenze,

Your request to join the "the_leaky" community has been approved. If you wish to add this community to your friends page reading list, click the link below.

Regards, Team

I didn't even know Firenze had a computer! *snark* ;P

the_leaky, firenze, rpg

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