May 20, 2006 04:27
I have my ipod for 24 hours and when i woke up (8 pm mind you haha) i find sound only comes out of the right side of headphones, at first i though ti was teh headphones so i tried another pair, adn the samae ting happened, adn i tried them both in other musicthings and tehy worked fine there. i wonder if i am just meant o be happy with an ipod, i relly think that both my mom and the people at best buy are going to think that i either dont care what i do with my ipod (which i think i would constantly be goign out of my way to have some many of these things go wrong) or i am doing it on purpose.
i reset and restored the ipod, so if anyone has any suggestions before i go and embarass myself at bestbuy please let me know