Dec 06, 2008 23:12
i sound really immature in my "Recent Entries." sorry if this one isn't much better. i usually use this to rant about bad things.
however, senior year's been pretty good.
exceptions are senioritis (grades), college applications, and boys (but could definitely be worse).
drum majoring was a whole new world to me. i completely hated it at first because i missed the small family feel of drumline. hornline's so huge. i always knew our numbers but never experienced the crowd on a day to day basis. But i got used to it... and it was fun. i miss marching season already.
summer, by the way, was amazing. spain was ridiculously fun. ask me if you want stories.
at the sewanee bridge program, i met 2 of my new very best friends. one lives here (thank goodness) and the other in mobile. finally, a boy, but he lives far away [again].
international club's been more organized this year. i think extravaganza will be really good. i hope so at least.
juan and i are gonna try to teach a salsa group this year for the show. it'll be interesting if it does happen. i've never danced on stage before.
i can't do senior miss because it's during all-west. unfortunate.
not having piano lessons hasn't been too detrimental to my playing. practicing is more enjoyable without having to think about my assignments and upcoming auditions.
i don't think i'm gonna do much music in college. it depends where i go, but no music major/minor almost for sure. this pre-med track seems daunting enough for now at least.
speaking of colleges, my current list/statuses -
accepted: saint louis u, u of missouri kansas city, cbu, utk, ole miss.
also applied to... u of miami, emory, sewanee, case western reserve, rhodes, rosemont college, and drexel u.
haven't sent: vandy, yale, brown.
total = 15.
where i really want to go? vanderbilt or miami. maybe yale or brown if i get in, but money's an issue. i just want to see if they'd take me. i haven't visited many of the places i've applied to though, so i'm judging many by websites at the moment. :\
i'm trying to get into an accelerated/joint degree program in order to reserve a spot in a medschool and not have to take the mcat, but those are expensive and are quite selective in admissions. i.e. case western selects 15 students out of hundreds of applicants. interviews are required (at every school with this type of thing + specifically for the program). it's also a stressful path to take.
my parents like the certainty of it though - the increased "for sure-ness" of my becoming a doctor. it sounds like it's always what they want.
me speaking:
yes, i do want an MD.
i don't know if i myself like that route though. college is supposed to be some of the best years of your life. studying 24/7 is not appealing to me.
i know it's me who's the one actually going to college, but they pay for it. they get a lot of say in it.
i've re-taken up crocheting. it's relaxing and not very costly.
happy that obama won. i tend to stay quiet when politics come up, but my beliefs tend to be more liberal.
recommendation: old venice has wonderful food.
lots of english to do. it's that time again - for plaw portfolios.
we watched & read Wit. for once, i liked the movie better than the book.
i miss my friends in college.