(no subject)

Aug 06, 2004 23:28

So, now that I have officially indulged you all with my newest obsession, lemme fill you in on my other one. General Hospital!

GH- Today was ok. I mean, Im still mad that Jason is being dumb and letting Sam stay with him after she was about to leave. I couldnt believe that! Nikolas is FINALLY giving Em a chance. But now that he is, I am sooo over the whole Nik/Em coupling. I would rather see Lucky/Em get together. First of all, they have amazing chemistry. And secondly, they have the cutest name. Luckily. How adorable is that? I also wanna see Jaosn and Liz get back together. It is obvious that they are meant to be. And even though they havent had any scenes since she came back, that is what us Liason fans are looking forward to. I am so over Courtney and Jason trying to rehatch what they had when it didnt get them anywhere the MILLONS of times they have already tried it! As for Courtney and Jax, well, the jury is still out on that one. Another couple I want to see together is Dillon and Georgie. How many times do the powers have to split them up? Why cant they see what the fans see? That D and G are inevitable. This whole Dillon cross dressing thing is dumb! Although, I must admit, I thought it was hilarious that G got Lucas to hit on D to make a point. Really funny. I also want Sam to leave. Just leave the show altogether. First, she was with Jax. Boooooring! Then she was with Sonny and put a rift between the already estranged couple of Sonny and Carly. Now, Im supposed to believe that her and Jason are going to get together? Pleez! Give me something I actually could watch without puking up my lunch and possibly every meal after. Ric and Alexis. I absolutely love them together. Although, Im not sure about the romantic side, their bitterness and sarcasticness towards eachother is somewhat entertaining. Always good. Heather and Edward, on the other hand, Bad bad bad. Horrible even. Heather has just been released from a mental institution. She killed many people back in the day, and Im supposed to believe that Edward, of all people, is willing to trust her. Is willing to let her tend to his wifes garden just minutes after she passed away. Come on! I am no fool! Well, I guess that sums it up.

Peace, Love and Jellybeans
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