Nakamura Yusuke ( 中村佑介) is a great japanese illustrator, and musician .
He was born in 1978 at Takaruzaka in the prefecture of Hyogo.
Mother : fashion designer. Father : architect.
From 1996 (18 years old) to 2000 (22 years old) he studies at the Osaka University of art. Just after his master he is class assistant in this same university during 2 years. In 2002, at 24 years old, he starts as a free-lance artist with a dazzling success. He lives in Osaka.
His artbook Blue was published in 2009 : two hundred pages containing ten years of work.
Nakamura Yuusuke is famous for having designed album covers of Asian Kung Fu Generation. He worked with other musicians such as
Gentouki, and writers such as Ishida Ira* and Akagawa Jiro.
Nakamura's art is related to the pop universe. His creations are colorful and jumbled. They are builded with a unique foreground*. Like Ukiyoe in a way. Tint areas** are typical of his style. It reminds me the Pop art silkscreens. Nakamura's illustrations really look like music posters. He often represent girls arounded by animals or objects of the everyday life. Those objects are removed from their context or diverted from their habitual use. They are spreading in the space, but this mess give a structure to the image. This is real visual poetry.
As I said, he also is a musician. He composed, among other songs, the theme of the drama Blue Tower and two soundtracks for City Hunter.
His face is weird and his air looks like a mushroom :)
*author of Ikebukuro West Gate Park.
*foreground : premier plan
** tint areas : aplats'd like to show you biiig beautiful images but... it's too big after all.