Feb 11, 2009 20:57
it feels like im getting more work now than i did last semester. the good thing is that i dont care anymore if i do well. so like i dont stress over missing hw or a bad assignment. im not getting enough sleep still though which bugs me.
yesterday we ordered a new snk for my bathroom. our is really old and leaking and basically unusabl for the pst few months. im actually really excited for it to come. ive wanted to redo my bathroom for years and this is like the first step even though the rest wont be completed until im out of college probably. haha.
yearbook is crazy. everything needs to be done this week. basically tomorrow. and people in my section are idiots. the book this year is going to be really bad. its disappointing since this is my yearbook. last years was really nice and im starting to get upset. people this year cant write and the pictures are all terrible. next years is going to be even worse but i dont care about that. i care about this years. and it sucks.
i want to go shopping really badly. i definitely need to go over break.
my us class is like degenerating into schorrs class. all we do now is watch movies. i cannot stay awake in that class, it is so boring. today we were talking about watching slumdog millionaire when we get back from break. that would be nice.
i cant even like concentrate on anything right now. it was sooooo nice outside today. we went outside in the last 15 minutes of environmental today but all we did was hang around the courtyard. it was nice though. im glad spring is coming.
i wish my hair were longer. i want it to grow more, just like another inch or 2 or 4. i know i already have long hair but i want more.
ok, i have math hw, spanish and a us debate. it shouldnt take me long, my goal is to be in bed no later than 11 but hopefully in like an hour or so. i doubt it'll happen.
(long entry, again)