WEEELLLLLLL How's everyone doin'? I'm out of the ordinary... Brandon offered me some pot today at school again... God help your soul Brandon... I love you. Me and shannon... yeah biotch we're tight, me you and Sonia the Russian spy!! Anywho, the party tonight, like three guys asked me to go but I'm just gonna stag wiff my friends! YEHA COWGIRLS! ...its just more ~FUN~ this way.
Haha, my car broke down again driving home from school. It was soooo embarassing. I had my emergency lights on, but the guy behind me OBVIOUSLY didn't know what those things are and spent 2 mother fuckin' stop lights cursing me out. Then I had to walk ALL the way to the gas station and get gas, all the way back, and from there it was ok. I'm getting ready for the par-tah, see all you guys and chicks there. MAKE WAY FOR THE CLOWN!!
Did Somebody Say Abercrombie?? Man I hate them but hey!