May 14, 2009 14:11
I was meaning to write this post last night, but I found Cathal on Live and figured we try some PGR4 achievements. Which we got!
Quite glad about this because I am now writing this LJ sitting in the sun on my window sill with a large slice of melon, milk and cake :P Can you tell this is the first of several days off work? =D
But work is good fun, since my last post I have been put on every branch of retail (asides Box Office obviously) and found it really isn't so bad. I like making Ice Blasts, and scooping horrendous amounts of popcorn, hehe. The only point I don't like is counting the money at the end of the day... I dunno, I just don't like handling the company's money, the atmosphere feels really tense in the "Treasury room".
I do like talking to "guests" a lot though lol, maybe too much; yesterday I was chatting to two guys about the finer points of Star Trek, specifically the pros and cons between DS9 and Voyager. Can't wait for Terminator Salvation lol; there will be an LJ post about Terminator, I assure you :P
(hmm melon)
I also got my free cinema pass now. Bwhaha. So I went to see State of Play yesterday before work. Unfortunately work had ruined the end for me... which for an investigative thriller... isn't such a good thing! But asides from this fact, I thought it was pretty good, even Ben Afleck seemed.... relatively competent. Though it did have the guy from the Orange Wednesday's adverts, that confused me.
Also I'll be getting MY nametag soon! God, at last I will no longer be Chris who's favourite film is Commando! :S
Other... things?
It appears the fresh air has wiped my memory temporarily... I had a guy from the council appear at my door the other day, apparently my landlord hasn't been doing things by-the-books :S so I was being informed that they are being pressured to respond, otherwise they wont get rent paid to them. For a second I was like.. AWESOME. Then he said that I'd still have to pay it... just into a separate account. Oh well.
Lovefilm gave me Assassin's Creed and Juno recently. The former being the notoriously glitchy pre-POP game, the latter being an Oscar winning film. I think I'd stopped watching the Oscar's by that point... but I remember Ellen Page winning best actress for playing a pregnant 16 year old.
Meh... whatever. The fiilm was average and I found the characters to be quite... sporadic in development; they seemed to change for little reason other than to make the film more interesting. Oscar's will be Oscar's though; if you play a pregnant person, a gay person or an insane person, you win an Oscar, and in Halle Berry's case... well... y'know.
(i know this stands to reason... sort of... I just like complaining about the Oscars :P)
Watched the Formula 1 a little late! It was the Spanish Grand Prix which is 98% of the time boring as hell. As they said at the start "14 of the last 18 Spanish races have been won by the driver on pole"... how I can believe that. But, It was all right. It might be the least interesting one this year but for the Spanish race it was probably the best one lol
May have seen it late, but Lynee was here again =) and we both had a deathly amount of Marble Slab ice cream. God it was so much but.... Actually... *looks outside*... hmmmmm
Still going through game development - more level design, and more character design for my book. Really need to write more. If I can't pull myself away from this sun then maybe that's what I'll do :)
-though now I need to evacuate all the bugs flying around my room....-
oscars are stupid,
formula 1,