A Request & Building in Venice on Rainy Day (x-posted)

Jan 30, 2009 12:26

I have a very simple photo editor. It allows me to do little tweaks with contrast, brightness, and even adjust the tonal curves (RGB, the colors individually, and a simple tonal curve). I like that my editor is simple. I don't need a bunch of fancy filters or anything. I figure I'll get to that manually with lenses and perhaps some photoshop YEARS down the line. What I really need right now is to (1) get used to this stupid little tripod that Mateo has, so I can use it more often and (2) learn about curves. I'm trying. I look online and see what a damn wonderful difference playing with curves can do for a picture, but when I try, I fail. I've been searching aorund online with simple Google inquiries on "curve adjustments" or "working with curves," but all the tutorials overwhelm me with jargon and complexity. Perhaps I need to get my ass into a real class, or get a tutor? If you know of a decent book, website, or whathaveyou that I might use, I'd be much obliged. Thank you in advance.
How should I learn about curves?! How did you learn?
I relatively smart and adept at learning, but I'm not really patient. I can be patient and really invest myself into any book or website tutorial if it comes recommended by someone, otherwise, I second-guess it and quit.
So, I'd rather a "good" yet long or detailed tutorial than a simple, but lacking one.
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