Dec 25, 2008 11:12
I don't celebrate Christmas much. Growing up, we only celebrated it if Grandma came to town with her dust-filled boxes of random joy and crap.
So, anything I do for the holidays is kind of a big deal for me.
This year Mateo got the night of Eve off. We went to the organic winery that I probably already mentioned for lunch. We stuffed ourselves silly on: gnocchi with gorgonzola and walnuts, bigoli pasta with duck sauce, a spinach/ricotta cheese/sausage puff pastry, beef burgundy (which was fabulous) with polenta and green beans, and turkey with carrots and mashed potatoes. All this was accompanied by wine, interesting conversation, and finally finished with some yogurt cake with ice cream and marmalade. Seriously.
Before we pigged out we stopped off at the church on post and dropped off baby formula, diapers, and 6-10 bags of non-perishable groceries and personal hygiene goods. That was my good deed. Mateo thinks it's nothing but a bandaid on a gaping wound, but I love doing that stuff. I think it's more than the items, it's increasing positivity in the world, even if it's only just our own world. Baby formula is expensive! Holyshit. Which, despite the scientific research & testing needed, the vitamins in it, etc, I think that consumers are getting ripped off.
We ended up passing out before 9pm. I'm awake again and it's 11am the following day. Needless to say, I missed midnight mass. I was a little curious to go. I would not have understood a word, but it would be neat see the neighbors. The bells at midnight did wake us up for a short bit.
I had bad dreams. I had dreams about emergencies, dead dolphins with skin flapping in bloody water, but by the time I had my final dream I figured out how to stop the disaster from happening. Lucid dreaming.
Mateo is depressed. There is nothing I can do. If I turn him in for help, he'll lose his job and we'll have no place to go. Instead, I just have to deal with utter crankiness, moods, and statements. I am so bad when it comes to dealing with other people's feelings. I'm beginning to think everything I touch around me falls apart, rots, or in other words, turns to shit. I'm trying to keep the positivity. I noticed when I'm depressed, every one and every thing around me seems fine and it is just ME that is the problem. When I am fine, every one and every thing a round me is not okay.