Jun 05, 2006 18:33
You know what? I've had it. You're sick of me crying when you upset me, right? You'd rather I get so pissed off that I rage and swear? Fine. You got it. And while this would be a lot more effective in person, an entry in my LJ will have to suffice.
Let's face it; we're both pretty pissed off by last night. You're pissed off at me because you think I'm a controlling bitch, and I'm pissed off at you because I think you acted like an inconsiderate asshole. Now let's get one thing straight, once and for all; I don't give a shit if you do things with your friends. You can do whatever, with whomever, whenever the hell you like. You want to go fishing? Go fishing. Have a keen time. You want to go to Picton? Take some pictures and catch a big fish for me. But when I say, "I'll drop by later" and you say "Okay," that means we have plans. Now I get that everybody breaks plans with their significant other once in a while. But to my understanding they do it with respect and in private and thereby let the other person keep their dignity intact. They do NOT do call from their buddy's cell phone from the middle of butt-fuck nowhere at the eleventh hour and expect the other person to say "Sure sweetie, have a lovely time." If this relationship is so important to you, I don't understand why the hell you didn't call me and tell me that you made other plans at a reasonable hour, instead of like 2 seconds before I was supposed to be arriving at your place. And then to get pissed off at me for taking it badly that you ditched me? What the fuck is that?!? That shows that you have not only an utter lack of respect for me, but contempt for our relationship. If you didn't want to see me yesterday evening, you should have just SAID SO. I would have been fine with that. I also would have been fine if you'd contacted me (or even attempted to contact me) right away when you made plans and said, "Honey, MH wants me to go fishing with him tonight, and we might get back pretty late, so maybe it would be a good idea if you headed straight home from K's." Both of those would have gotten a "Sure honey, no worries, we can see each other some other time." But to call me from fucking Casselman and be all like, "Where are you? What do you mean you're at my place? Well yeah, I've ditched you because something better came along, so go home" is fucking garbage. And I know that you thought my bad reaction meant I was angry that you went out with one of your buddies because I want to control your entire existence and keep you glued to my goddamn hip 24/7. That is so not even the issue. What pissed me off is that you totally blew me off without so much as an "I'm sorry."
You don't have to clear it with me when you want to go out with your friends. But you do have to show me (my time, effort, and energy) and this relationship one hell of a lot more respect then you did last night if you want things to work. And even though I am incredibly pissed off with you right now, I think we can and will get past the me being a controlling bitch and you being an inconsiderate asshole thing, because being with each other and making each other happy is worth a little bitchery and a little asinine treatment.