Jul 23, 2006 23:25
im soooooooooooooooo fucken heated.
no one understands but brittany.
so we went to a party in pomona. and it was tight as fuckk.
we got drunkk. danced.. chillled it. tight
so on the way back me and someone started arguing and
he was like fuck it. walk home. and i said fuck pull over.
and the driver does it. and leaves me and britt in pomona.
fucking asssssssssssssHOLA MOTHER fuckers.
especially one of the guys being my"best friend"
fuchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh u .
so last night made me realize. that no matter how much u think
u know someone u FUCKING DONT,
the story is shorter than what really happend. but yeah .
trust NO ONE. not even kiddding.