New fic: "Under the Stars"

Aug 31, 2006 22:23

Fandom: CSI: NY
Title: Under the Stars
Rating: FRM
Summary: From ancient times to the present, the stars have stood silent sentinel above us all.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Property of Jerry Bruckheimer, Alliance Atlantis, CBS, etc. Jack Abernathy is the creation of stellaluna_, who lets him run free in my head.
Prompt: # 96-- Stars for coclaim100
Pairing: Mac Taylor/Jack ( Read more... )

general series, csi : ny, 096 : writer's choice, gin200168

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Re: Are you putting up a table anywhere or archiving these? gin200168 September 1 2006, 16:52:56 UTC
Yes, I am putting them up in the table thing that is buried in my LJ, gin200168 albeit not clearly marked unless you read carefully. Both her and my stories are linked to it. I do intend in the next week or so to *actually* go back and give proper tags to them.

I always forget to include the link to the table itself in my posts... :-/ I'll go back and edit my original post on my LJ to add it.

I have other stories on there that you are welcome to read too, the coclaim100 thing is rather new on our plates, and it's not the only thing that both of us have been writing. Our 'universes' don't change whether or not it's coclaim or not, and you'd be suprised how much influence the other has on our non-coclaim work.

We try to keep to canon and such, and I wouldn't reccomend ditching the only good CSI left. I don't think the writers don't care what happens to them, but they've got to cater to a LOT of different people and have to keep ratings. We can do whatever we want, and people can take it or leave it. However, I'm flattered that you like our stuff best. And it's stellaluna_'s fault persistance that mine's even out there.


Re: Are you putting up a table anywhere or archiving these? quarryquest September 1 2006, 18:02:40 UTC
Oh I don't intend to give up on it entirely - its just my life is so chaotic I don't have time to wait for things on TV, squee with friends over then as they appear etc etc.

I'm more the silent plodder watching things on wet weekends keeping masses of notes and making connections (Mac would be proud of me). I then end up needing somewhere to post them. I put a HUGE post on Miami on the LJ community explaining the shape and form of seasons / how to spot what writers liked to write about / what directors did. Heck I even had Horatio's costumes on a spreadsheet and posted the statistics for that too [mumbles, and yes I have done the research with Mac too ... just need to put it onto one]

Season Two NY on DVD will keep me going for ages when it gets out. I shall wait until Season Three comes out on DVD and then watch that. Means I can watch three episodes in a run and gorge myself when I have the time and energy to enjoy myself.


Re: Are you putting up a table anywhere or archiving these? gin200168 September 2 2006, 21:31:09 UTC
I'm no good about doing that whole overview analysis stuff-- stellaluna_, on the other hand...

I want Mac to wear a tie again every once in a while. Not all the time, just occasionally. He looks good in them. ^_^ And no more amusing me with the whole "wearing Flack's shirt" thing. And DEFINATELY no more ugly S1 Stabler checked shirts.

I am definately looking forward to S2 coming out on disc-- I've watched the S1 ones multiple times. I download until then, and use them to check up on things, but canon is so bloody inconsistant....


Re: Are you putting up a table anywhere or archiving these? quarryquest September 2 2006, 23:47:37 UTC
Oh don't start me on canon.

What makes me leap about personally is the first aid and medicines they give people.

Miami is bad but NY has had its mad moments too. I got so riled up I sent an e-mail to the Miami writers. I got a "we have advisers" response. They should get me over there - I could advise them very nicely thank you and not have situations where they would have really endangered the victim. The ones where they give the wrong inhalers to Asthmatics (even NY did that) make my blood boil.

Mac got checked shirts? Yikes ... even Horatio had one of those in Season Two. People didn't believe me until I posted photos!


Re: Are you putting up a table anywhere or archiving these? gin200168 September 3 2006, 16:42:20 UTC
Canon.... yeah. That's why I tend to live by the fanon, and sometimes almost forget that "oh yeah, *that's* fanon. oops.

Dramas are are rarely good about accurate details, especially when it comes to technicalities that only small audience groups would know. (as much as it pisses us off) I can pick holes in the science or methods a lot of times. But it's tv, and that's how it is. I bet you can probably rip House to shreds if you can find the errors in CSI.

Yeah, he had these really bad cowboyish checked shirts that he wore that were really ugly and stellaluna_ had a cow about. She's always doing a "fashion watch" thing and always notes clothing and stuff in her recaps. They might help you.


Yup quarryquest September 3 2006, 17:21:27 UTC
That's exactly why I gave up on House and am reluactant to get involved with anything else.

You'll have to excuse me now as I've gone back over to Miami having been bitten by a plot bat (they fly in through the windows you know.

I could do with a few less, I'm already writing two stories, this is a third, and being dyslexic writing should not exactly my first choice of time filler even if I do enjoy it!


Re: Yup gin200168 September 3 2006, 23:19:35 UTC
I gave up on House because I am having my *own* medical problems that they can't figure out and it just becomes too much. I LOVE Hugh Laurie though. And the slashiness that is House/Wilson.

I can't stand Miami. And anyone on the show EXCEPT Khandi Alexander. <3 her. :-)

I have... uh.... like 10+ random things in various states of disarray/completion/hopelessness. Most of the time, they're all stellaluna_'s fault in some capacity. Some of them may never be resurrected... :-/


Oh don't get me started. quarryquest September 4 2006, 10:22:32 UTC
Miami seasons 1 and 2 are good and I do like Horatio in them. I do however realise he is an aquired taste and probably be being British is partly to blame (Corey Miller and I had a LOVELY converstation about that via e-mail).

As for doctors and fuck-ups ... I am very glad for modern medicine, and have been helped out a lot but at least two things (maybe three) that I have to live with have been caused by their experimentation and I would rather not have them thank you very much!


Re: Oh don't get me started. gin200168 September 5 2006, 00:45:02 UTC
David Caruso drives me crazy. And the way they make it so dramatic and centered on him... ugh. And some of the other characters are such prima donnas too...

I watch all sorts of british tv that my friend either records for me or downloads. I really liked QI. heh. Wire in the Blood is good too. :-)


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