Mar 04, 2007 01:46
went to see Zodiac last night with Karlie, Trisha, Jackie, and Talia. it was nice hanging out wit hthe old group again :) i don't really seem to see talia as much as i used to, though i have been lately with her being able to go out to lunch on tues & thurs, yayness! the movie was pretty good, but OMG it was long. it was supposed to start at 7:30 and we didn't get out til 10:30 -_- i wish Talia had mentioned that part to me before i went cause i was SOOO freakin tired from school. and my back hurt from hunching over my barron's book highlighting for gov, bleh. so i didn't sit still. and course, half of my soda was drunk by karlie, and half my popcorn eaten by talia, lol. and another of course, karlie grabbed me during the scary parts. except towards the end, she had my arm in a weird position which was kinda uncomfy, lol. and then she headbutted me by accident, lmao! we haven't done that in forever. speaking of, i got beaten up by besties this weekend, lmao. you'll see what i mean...
^ps, i wanted to buy the book Twlight...but Karlie got the last copy. woe is me.
So today. yipee. twas mucho fun! first day out i felt completely free with no strings attached. felt so good. me feeling good equals a weird amber. lol. first day my mom actually trisha driving me somewhere too, lmao. so first me and trisha went to Jackie's soccer game, which we both got to late. i had to run to the post office with my mom first to mail out the deposit money for my puppy. YAYAYAY puppy! i'm so freakin excited. the breeder said he was a lil hyper, lol. so 2-3 weeks i should get my lil guy. cause we need to finish paying for him. and my mom said she wasn't going to get her puppy. OMG. i felt so bad. cause i have been telling her i won't get mine if she cant afford hers too, cause she did find hers first, yet she's willing to get my puppy instead of hers. aahhh. she needs $500 deposit for the dog or he'll be sold. so i'm giving her all the money i saved up to go to England with. SIGH. i didn't want to have to, but i want her to be happy. and i know she'll pay it back when she can. heck, she usually pays it back with interest. last time she gave me about $200 extra when she borrowed from my savings account O_O i was a happy lil kid, lol. so i have $400 saved. $200 in coins, i wanna watch her roll them all, lmao. okay okay back to my story though :D which will have to be done tomorrow cause my mom is making me go to bed since it's 2am and i was out all day instead of cleaning, lol. oops? oh twas worth it. will try to post tomorrow then ;)
and just one thing i wanna get out there. cause it bugs the CRAP out me. and yes it's about bob, lol. he has NO patience whatsoever, which is really not good when my mom is taking her "stupid" pills as she calls them, the one that make her think slow. she doesn't understand simple things sometimes and he gets fustrated and starts talking demandingly or loud and it bugs me SO bad. i get impatient sometimes too with her, but it's not her fault. i understand it's not her fault, and i don't think he always thinks that way. like when him & my mom were arguing in the hallway one night. she kept repeating the same thing she had said before but worded differently and i could honestly tell she didn't mean to or realize she was doing that. so he got aggrivated and just walked away from her while she was talking. then she asked why he was doing that and he was like "well you're just going to say the same thing aren't you?" and he repeated it. gaaahhh. sometimes he's so freakin immature it ticks me off. i really wish i had the guts to speak my mind sometimes. i really do. i admire people who can.
end on a happy note. CHELSEA WON *runs off to bed*