Aug 09, 2004 22:26
well today i woke up at like 3 after gettin back to sleep... i was in shock.. if im wakin up this late and skewl is tomarrow basically.. wow im gonna be sleepin in class.. haha.. what else is new.. i need to go shoppin tomarrow to..
o and hopefuly ill be gettin some braces soon... if my parents will buy the shit.. cause my wisdom teeth r fuckin up shit and id rather just get them pulled and then put some braces on.... so shit wont get worse....
uhh not much happened today either.... i decided to finally play socom.. and i beet the game.. and now im tryin to beet it again so my rank will go up or some shit i dunno....
and thats about it.. no ponderings.. or thoughts.. or dreams.. NOTHIN!! THAT SUX!! I HATE IT WHEN MY MIND IS JUST BLANK LIKE THIS... its cause im out of skewl im sure when skewl starts it will all be comin back to me ..
well im out
later fellas