(no subject)

May 06, 2004 00:03

uh yeah.

I go to make a post about how i always loose my floss (which, btw, is true, and does anyone else have that happen to them. dammit...where was i going with this...

oh right, so i go to update about my constant lack of floss, and i find that emily has, for seemingly no apparent reason, deleted me from her friends list.

honestly, if it wasn't spring, and things weren't going so well with Tash, Kyra, Erica and Sarah, and if i was still on non-speaking terms with Mark, or if I hadn't had that stoge with Taylor today (i forget how chill he is sometimes), I honestly might be passed out in a ditch on the side of the road somewhere.

Shall we make a tally of people who have seemingly abandoned sam?

i'm gonna take off my suit of self pity for a while.
maybe someday the it will be back in style, but for now Vogue seems to be forecasting optimism and ignorant amity.

it's actually funny how fucked this sem to be.
oh well.

i just stoped caring i think. that was the last straw.
it was a sign, i think, that no matter what i do (in this case DIDN'T DO), somethings are just supposed to end.

others go on, and some stop, and yet have the potential to revive themselves if there was good stuff there.

new rule: only be concerned if the relationship was based on solid things.
(it's in need of fine-tuning, but i'll make it work)
alright. nap, bike, shower, AP Am. class, then ditch school and play hooky...in order to study. hah, i'm sucha dork!
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