Aug 21, 2007 00:21

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Katou!
  1. Originally, Katou could not fly.
  2. Katou is incapable of sleep.
  3. It took Katou 22 years to build the Taj Mahal!
  4. All the moons of the Solar System are named after characters from Greek and Roman mythology, except the moons of Uranus, which are named after Katou!
  5. It takes a lobster approximately 7 years to grow to be Katou.
  6. Katouolatry is the mindless worship of Katou.
  7. About one tenth of Katou is permanently covered in ice.
  8. Long ago, the people of Nicaragua believed that if they threw Katou into a volcano it would stop erupting.
  9. The liquid inside Katou can be used as a substitute for blood plasma.
  10. Dolphins sleep at night just below the surface of Katou, and frequently rise to the surface for air.


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