There's quite a bit I could write about regarding the last week or so. Nothing, however, that I feel I want to write about in any great detail.
I spent the first part of the week worrying and stresed out over my Dad going into hospital 4000 miles away, the latter part of the week very relieved that the procedure went okay for him, even if the prognosis was far from perfect.
We ventured the to the annual
RedsFest at the Cincinnati Convention centre on Friday night. Didn't know what to expect from this off-season extravaganza, but quickly determined that it was really for the "kids". I know that if I'd had a chance to meet my sporting heroes when I was a nipper I would have undoubtedly been a "fan for life" and thats what this event probably achieved for many pre-teens... at least underneath the otherwise crass commercialism.
Other than that it's pretty much same ol' same old. I get up in the morning, I go to bed at night. In between I do some shit here and there, speak to some people on the telephone here and there, scratch the kitty's head, surf, eat, drink, poop, work, hug the wife, write, watch TV, blah blah blah