Whilst we were in England, I drank (probably) more than my fair share of Coke and/or Pepsi.
Why? Partly because it tasted soooooooooooooo bloody good.
All; down to the fact that European Cola bottlers and syrup makers still use good ol' fashioned sugar in the manufacture of their product.
On the return flight I had a Coke on the plane. An American Coke. It tasted utterly disgusting by comparison.
I decided that I was no longer going to succumb to American sodas of ANY kind - Coke, Fanta, etc - where its ingredients included high fructose corn syrup.
HFCS began being heavily used as a sugar substitute during the Jimmy Carter administration of the Seventies, although the process by which it is produced - a chemical one - was first developed in 1927. Over time, Carter's decision to subsidise the growing of corn has proved to be the biggest of his mis-steps, but one which subsequently and indubitably benefited the corn manufacturers association and any food/beverage business requiring sweeteners
The introduction - and subsequent huge consumption - of HFCS in sodas (and thousands of other food products) can be directly linked to the rising problems of obesity, diabetes and metabolic syndrome in the USA. (Known by some as "diabesity")
The reason is that HFCS cannot be processed properly by the human body. Instead of being 'eliminated' naturally, like sugar is, HFCS goes straight to the 'storage' sector of the body's fat cells. In a nutshell, every soda containing HFCS is undermining your health FAR more than one containing regular sugar.
I will openly admit that since moving Stateside my diet has been far less than satisfactory. Not so much my regular meals - MK is a terrific cook offering a fabulous variety of scrummy dishes - but moreso my unfortunate propensity to snack and graze.
My body has taken on over 40lbs pounds of HFCS (and other bad things) in the last decade or more and the older I get the heavier and more uncomfortable that extra weight becomes. During that time I have bought hundreds of cases and bottles of Coke, Red Creme Soda, Fanta, Dr Pepper and more, often thinking nothing of consuming 3 or 4 cans of the stuff every day, my mouth's apparent abject need for 'fizzy pop' paramount.
Whilst I knew it was doing me no good - I continued to slurp regardless. At least until I FINALLY recognised the difference in taste.
Back in the early summer I had discovered the pleasures of Mexican-based Coca-Cola - the refiners there still use proper sugar - and had/have been buying cases of it from The Party Source or Jungle Jims. Because of the 'sugar' element - silly! - I was limiting myself to one bottle of it a day, whilst - initially, and somewhat perversely - still downing HFCS-tainted Fanta or Red Creme Soda.
Then, after I had that 'ugly' Coke on the plane I made a conscious decision to eliminate drinks containing HFCS from my diet completely, as well as trying to limit (as much as is possible given its ubiquity) my intake of the component in other foodstuffs like ketchup, bread, yoghurts and sauces etc.
Its been admittedly tough. Not so much at home, but certainly when I/we go out to eat. I'm not a big beer drinker, don't really care for wine and most of the spirits I imbibe are preferred with (HFCS-containing) mixers. Eventually I found bottles of sparkling water (Perrier etc) to be a happy enough compromise.
I can physically FEEL the results of my (so far) 5-week enterprise - and thus plan to continue indefinitely. I don't know the weight comparison, but I DO know that my jeans feel a little looser around the waist and my general metabolism has improved too, my digestion process dramatically. (You don't need to know the details, suffice to say we're getting through many more rolls of T.P. lately )
I think the added bonus of not drinking as many sodas is that I am no longer taking on board as many (as some call them) 'empty calories' and thus not feeling as always hungry as I used to. Sure I still snack - probably more than is good for me - but in nowhere NEAR the same levels as just a few months ago.
The Corn Refiners Association - the farmer's organisation with the most to lose if the anti-HFCS bandwagon continues to gather pace - have recently launched a $30 million PR and advertising campaign trying to convince Americas that the substance is safe. A statement that flies right in the face of experts... making the C.R.A., if you will, the "creationists" of the farming industry.
Anyone on this side of the pond with a metabolism problem - be it carrying too much weight or just having bad digestion issues etc - may wish to consider cutting down and/or eliminating as much HFCS from their diet as possible. I felt my own 'difference' in about 3 weeks and I continue to feel a little healthier - at least in that department - each consecutive week.
PS: Anyone thinking "Oh I drink diet sodas" - or switching (as I did for a time) - should be equally aware of the inherent and toxic dangers of
aspartame. You HAVE to love the FDA - maybe due to their love for being financed by the very organisations they are supposed to police? - for giving HFCS and aspartame their seal of approval.