Interim Update

Aug 26, 2008 10:27

Dear Fellow Lovers Of The Cock,

As might be obvious, this comm is on a bit of a hiatus. rosencrantz is far from her computer, slowly trekking her way across the terrible wilds of Pennsylvania (to my house!), and will be pretty completely unavailable for the next few weeks. katmillia and first_seventhe have been enjoying a series of conventions, vacations, and weekends away from home or with family. It's a busy time for us, and uh that's kind of just the way it is.

However! This note is just to mention that we have no intention of abandoning the community (well, at least, I don't). katmillia and I will be back in action after our cruise (!!!!!!!!!!!), the weekend of 04-08 September -- so expect an assignment post around 15 September. I don't know when rosencrantz will actually return but as she is the most reliable member of this community I'm not really worried about her, haha.

If anyone wants to be in charge of interim assignments, let me know and we could work something out. Otherwise, anything you draw can be submitted here for one super huge Exhibition Post once we come back and start up the comm once again!

Keep drawing, guys, and we'll see you in mid September with more awesome assignments and cock jokes.
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