Weekly Character Post

Sep 04, 2007 10:39

Hey all! This is actually a day late due to Labor Day and me not being around my computer much (yay federal holidays!), so here is next week's assignment:




FFIV: Rosa

All entries due IN COMMENTS, BTW, since even I didn't know this, by Sunday, Sept. 9th.  Well, I suppose "due" is a loose term, because you can always post entries afterwards, but anyway, it's a week.  Give or take a few days.  So not really a week after all.

So have fun, and go crazy!

And remember our rule: JT is allowed, but his pants are not.  Crap.  I mean, cock jokes FTW.  I mean, DANGIT, make some Final Fantasy art, people!!


References pictures: Rosa and Zell (I can't find one with his whole damn outfit! grrrr... here, it's not offical art, but it will do for the outfit)

! assignment, zell, ffiv, rosa, ffviii

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