Week 17 Assignment Post

Feb 04, 2008 15:31

Alright, guys, question(ssss), and I'm just writing it here instead of emailing it out because I am (a) lazy and (b) so tired I can barely type straight.

Next week to celebrate the wonderful holiday of Valentine's Day, there will be another round of the Kiss Meme that was on bottle-of-shine's journal last year. (People post pairings as prompts and then go nuts writing a short, low-key, stress-free kiss for other people's prompts. Fun! Fun in a barrel!)

I kind of thought that might be a fun and cute sort of thing to do a Bonus Week on -- pick one of the couples prompted there, and draw a kiss. There were a ton of exciting couples prompted last time so we'd mostly get our pick of pairings. And you wouldn't have to post it as a reply to the prompter, so it isn't "gift art" that we'd all get stressed about quality and such - it'd just be a picture, for this comm. Plus, who doesn't need help drawing romantic kissy scenes*?

The Kiss Meme would probably only go for about a week (after that they tend to lose steam), so if we wanted to tack on to it, that would be next week.

Then, after that, the Rinoa fan-work-a-thon will be starting about 12 February at the latest. I also thought it'd be a neat bonus-type thing -- Rinoa could be that week's female character, but you'd get extra points if you fulfilled someone's request for the fan-a-thon. This would be a gift-art thing, in a way (although it's a fanwork-a-thon so it's not really a gift to a person so much as a gift to Rinoa fans internet-wide), so this is also making sure you guys would be cool with that. (I guess there would be another male prompt just in case.)

The Rin-a-thon goes all the way through March, too, so we have more time to work with that. Other, much more complicated thoughts: making the Rinoa Bonus Assignment the kind of thing where every week you work on the same picture, touching things up and posting your improvements to the comm? Kind of like the "re-work an old picture" week? Not sure if we all would make the time to actually do that, though.

Anyway! Mostly wanting to know whether you guys would be interested in any or all of these ideas.

Assuming we're doing Bonus Week next week, here's this week's Assignments:

Female: Paine, FFX-2 || Full || (any dress-sphere is okay! and also fun! Personally I like Paine as Elvis Songstress.)

Male: Sabin, FFVI || Amano 1 || Chibi CG (on the left) || Sprite

I require caffeine in large amounts. Sev out.

*If this means you, please don't raise your hand. In fact, hide your head and go away before I hit you and try to suck out your drawing ability through your neck vampire-style. THAT'S RIGHT, WHOEVER YOU ARE. YOU HEARD ME

! assignment, paine, sabin, ffx/x2, ffvi

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