Dec 03, 2008 20:51
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: -sitting on a bench, swinging his legs-
shotamadness: Chad: *okay there's Penelo's aaaaaand SMALL BLOND BOY thank god*
shotamadness: Chad: Ryan! Are you okay?
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: Mm. Why?
shotamadness: Chad: *hugs*
shotamadness: Chad: I was just worried about you.
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: -does not get why you're worried-
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: Why were you worried? And where's Mama?
shotamadness: Chad: Because...It's hard to explain.
shotamadness: Chad: Your mom and Sharpay aren't here right now.
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: Why not? When are they coming back?
shotamadness: Chad: Uh...because this place is really weird and only certain people are here. It's like how I'm from the future. I can't really explain it.
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: S'not fun like that.
shotamadness: Chad: I know, but...uh. They'll be here later. But I can watch out for you until they get here.
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: S'daddy here?
shotamadness: Chad: *shakes head* Sorry.
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: Troy's here!
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: Can we go see Troy.
shotamadness: Chad: ....Maybe. We'll go see him later. Right now, let's just get back home before the plants try to kill us.
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: Won't the plants try to kill him too?
shotamadness: Chad: ...Good point.
shotamadness: Chad: But if he's at the docks, he should be safe for a while.
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: But I want to see him now! -petulant Evans tantrum approaching-
shotamadness: Chad: *oh jeez this is not going to end well* I don't have anything to kill the plants with right now.
shotamadness: Chad: We'll go home and get something, then we'll go see Troy.
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: Big-you is just as stupid as little-you.
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: But okay.
shotamadness: Chad: *facepalm*
shotamadness: Chad: Okay, come on. *takes Ryan's hand*
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: -holds your hand without qualms- Where're we going?
shotamadness: Chad: Our- uh, my place. It's not too far away, and the plants can't get inside.
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: Why'd you say our?
shotamadness: Chad: *damn, figures tiny!Ryan would be smart like that* reason.
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: Gotta be a reason. Like . . . Free . . . Fro . . . That guy my Mama always talks about says.
shotamadness: Chad: ...what?
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: When my Mama talks about therapy. She talks about this guy.
shotamadness: Chad: ...Freud?
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: That one!
shotamadness: Chad: *laughs a little - tiny!Ryan is so cuuuute*
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: -pout- Answer my question, big-Chad!
shotamadness: Chad: No reason, seriously! I just wasn't thinking.
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: You're a bad liar.
shotamadness: Chad: The older you says that too.
shotamadness: Chad: He was staying with me...uh...until you got here. Then he just kind of disappeared.
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: No fair! I wanna meet older me.
shotamadness: Chad: There are probably like, cosmic rules about that. So you don't break the universe.
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: But I wanna know if I grow up to be pretty.
shotamadness: Chad: *laughs* You do. Very pretty.
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: Good. I'd be mad at myself if I didn't.
shotamadness: Chad: *yay we're home!*
shotamadness: Chad: *points* Here we are.
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: Are you gonna open the door or what?
shotamadness: Chad: *eyeroll* Yeah, yeah.
shotamadness: Chad: *leads Ryan inside*
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: -looks around- I seriously live here.
shotamadness: Chad: Yep.
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: This is like. Not fabulous enough. And tiny.
shotamadness: Chad: ...*lolling*
shotamadness: Chad: We haven't really had time to decorate yet?
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: There is always time for decorating.
shotamadness: Chad: It's been pretty busy around here.
shotamadness: Chad: Future-you runs a spa, so.
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: In that case, it's okay.
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: Weren't you gonna get a weapon?
shotamadness: Chad: If I can find one.
shotamadness: Chad: I have no idea where Ryan put the shovel.
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: I didn't put the shovel anywhere.
shotamadness: Chad: Not you, the other Ryan. *search search*
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: Then wouldn't it be in the basement.
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: -unblinking stare-
shotamadness: Chad: ...*goes to check the basement*
shotamadness: Chad: *comes back shovel-less* Nope, not there.
shotamadness: Chad: So why were you at the cake shop anyway?
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: Because I like cookies. And cupcakes.
shotamadness: Chad: I think there are some cookies in the you want some?
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: -eyes you suspiciously-
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: Are you trying to bribe me.
shotamadness: Chad: Maybe.
shotamadness: Chad: But they're really good cookies.
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: What kind are they?
shotamadness: Chad: Chocolate chip peanut butter.
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: -has a weakness for peanut butter!-
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: -torn-
shotamadness: Chad: Kitchen's over there if you want some.
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: . . . Is there milk.
shotamadness: Chad: Yep.
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: -grabs your hand and drags you to the kitchen-
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: Where are the glasses?
shotamadness: Chad: *gets him a glass and the milk*
shotamadness: Chad: *trying not to laugh because ffff so cute*
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: -takes the milks and now demands a cookie-
shotamadness: Chad: *cookies, you can has them*
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: -sits down and noms-
shotamadness: Chad: *watches with amusement*
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: -tugs on your hand- Sit.
shotamadness: Chad: Okay, okay. *sits down and steals a cookie*
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: -offers milk-
shotamadness: Chad: *grin* Thanks.
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: Don't drink it all!
shotamadness: Chad: I wasn't going to! *gives it back*
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: Sharpay drinks it all when you don't tell her not to.
shotamadness: Chad: Why does this not surprise me.
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: She's Sharpay.
shotamadness: Chad: I see your point. *laughs*
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: -sips milk all dignified- Sharpay is nice though. Sometimes.
shotamadness: Chad: *raises eyebrow* Oh really?
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: -nods, nommin on cookie kthx-
shotamadness: Chad: *and no one should get between an Evans and their cookies amirite?*
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: -fuck no! He will bite you.-
shotamadness: Chad: *steals another cookie - it's not like there aren't enough*
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: -gives you this Look-
shotamadness: Chad: There are plenty of cookies. *noms*
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: -still giving you this Look-
shotamadness: Chad: And we can always get more later.
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: What about the plants.
shotamadness: Chad: ...After the plants go away.
shotamadness: Chad: 'cause I think Penelo's hiding in her basement right now.
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: -pouty face-
shotamadness: Chad: *unaffected by the Ryanpout*
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: -annoyed by this. pouts harder-
shotamadness: Chad: ...*must resist*
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: -poooooooout-
shotamadness: Chad: ...oh, fine.
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: -inner cheer, now it is time to ask awkward questions- Are you big-me's boyfriend.
shotamadness: Chad: *nearly chokes on cookie* WHAT.
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: -totally calm- Are you big-me's boyfriend.
shotamadness: Chad: How did- Why- GAH.
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: -unblinking stare. better answer.-
shotamadness: Chad: ...yes.
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: You're cute.
shotamadness: Chad: ...*sfjkdsj not blushing*
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: -goes back to eating cookies-
shotamadness: Chad: You're scarily perceptive for a ten-year-old, you know that?
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: Mama says that too.
shotamadness: Chad: *shakes his head and returns to his cookie*
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: -prods you- I need more milk.
shotamadness: Chad: Okay, okay. *pours more milk*
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: -likes bossing you around-
shotamadness: Chad: *yes, I can see that, but you're so damn cute I can't help it*
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: -innoceeeeeeent. eats a cookie-
shotamadness: Chad: You're gonna get sick if you have too many of those.
megasuperhappyme: Ryan: -gives him a Look.-
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