If you have it, you don't need it..

Jan 13, 2007 01:05

I have no words which can express the awesomeness that is Bruce Campbell, so I'll let a few of the comments I saw on YouTube do it for me. (Oh, and if you don't get why he's so awesome, just move along.)

"Mark my words, just on the infinite power of Bruce's mighty words, Old Spice will start selling by the gallon again and men everywhere will throw out their body sprays and start smelling like their grandfathers."

"I believe Youtube was created for this video. We must never let it die and be lost in the vastness of the internet. We must pass it on to future generations. That is our duty as citizens, nay, as human beings."

"He willed that fire into existence."

"Bruce Lorne Campbell is a god among men, a redwood among shrubs, a skyscraper among trailers, a boulder among pebbles, a stallion among geldings. Within hours, Bruce has single-handedly made horror geeks smell better! This commercial has me filling my tub with Old Spice, my kids pouring it on their cereal and wife douching with it. Such is the power of this enigma we call Bruce."

(Oh, and I love the chainsaw by the fireplace and the longest clipper painting ever.)

Edit: Unlocking this entry to share the video's glory with the masses
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