it ain't the heat, it's the humidity!

May 22, 2009 08:21

Guaranteed knock-out for the first person to say that to me today.

Yay Big Papi! Got his first home run of the season the other night! Usually I could care less, but I like Papi. I don't think he was on the juice.

Burned my arms to hell when I was mowing the other day, so much so I'll look like a (bigger) buffoon if I do end up going to the beach to try and even it out a little. Maybe I'll find some other albino friends to play frisbee with or something.

But being laid off hasn't been bad, except that my check is smaller this time around because I wasn't getting any over time in the last year I was working. But I'm writing a lot in prep for school, hanging out with nephews and nieces and siblings and such. I've been think about getting a part time job to supplement the income i'm losing, but I don't know if something in the union is going to pop up or when exactly the baby is coming, so i feel sorta stuck. After the wee laddie or lassie comes (sometime within the next 3 weeks, at least) i'll know better what to do.

Sarah has entered the final stages of preggoness which, as impossible as it may have seemed to me early on in the process, is the most uncomfortable part of the whole deal. I guess it makes sense; it's not like it's just some little fetus swimming around in there, but a whole mini-person with real live moving parts and greatly diminished living quarters. Still, can't wait to meet him or her.

After a two week lay off, I'm back reading Ulysses. I like it, but it does get frustrating when you have to constantly flip back to read the notes so you can understand all the references and allusions. They need to make a hypertext version of it online. It would be so much easier.

That's all I got. Enjoy the sun! Have a good Memorial Day! TTFN.
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